Kris x Yandere!Fem!Reader

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You had just reached the school and walked inside to only be welcomed by silence, but that was expected as you were always the first one to class. So you walked towards the classroom and entered before walking over to your desk and sitting down. You took your homework out of your bag and started to do it in silence because you had nothing else to do with your life.

You were always alone, you had no one in your life, no family, no friends, just you. Sure, it got a bit lonely at times, but you just distracted yourself by playing video games or doing the homework you know you would never complete. But truth be told, you actually liked being alone, doing your own thing was better than doing things you didn't want to do with friends.

However, no matter how hard you tried to be alone, there always seemed to be someone there watching you. Your first suspicion was Noelle, the lesbian smart girl of the class. How did you know she was a lesbian? Because one day she tried to talk to you, sure, you didn't talk back, but to you, it felt like she was venting, instead of talking.

Another one of your suspicions was Berdly, ew. You didn't HATE Berdly, you didn't LIKE Berdly either, he was just... annoying. He tried many times to talk to you about a video game or gift you things, but you'd just say you didn't play the video game or already had the gift he was trying to give you.

Susie, the school bully, was another one of your suspicions, which was weird as both of you seemed to hate each other, why? I'll get to that later. You always felt as if Susie was always watching your every move, always judging, and of course, you were the one she picked on. But it would never work, you always just ignored her insults or bash her on the snout whenever she picked you up.

And lastly, was Kris, the only other Human and your soon-to-be lover. Truth was, you ADORED Kris, something about their aura seemed... hot to you. And you couldn't go one hour without thinking about them, it would drive you crazy. But Kris would always ignore you like you ignored everyone else, maybe this was their way of paying you back for everyone's sake.

This undoubtedly made you pissed, you wanted Kris' attention, you NEEDED Kris' attention. But something made you even more pissed. It was Susie, SHE was hanging out with YOUR Kris, it made you sick that those two were hanging out together, and Susie knew it was making you pissed which made her take it too far.


One day, Susie pinned you up against a locker like always and just as you were about to punch her in the snout, she said "Don't hit it too hard, that's Kris' favourite place to kiss me". You had never felt such anger before, and as you were about to give her the hardest punch you could muster which would send her into next week, Kris showed up out of nowhere and watched from the side.

You were confused at what Kris was doing, but they then pulled moss-covered popcorn out of nowhere and started to eat it like they were watching a movie. And you seeing Kris eat made your eyes widen and blush a bit as you looked away from both Kris and Susie.

"See? She does like you."

"Hm, weirdo."

Susie dropped you on the floor and walked into the classroom with Kris finished their popcorn and walked past you in silence as they entered the classroom as well. You, on the other hand, were feeling like shit. You just thought about how Kris called you a weirdo for liking them yet there were hanging around with the school bully and eating moss-covered popcorn.

You wished you were the moss-covered popcorn at that moment.



Y/n: I'll show you, Susie, for making me embarrassed in front of my Kris.

You thought about Kris as you continued doing your homework and how Susie ruined your chance to get with the cute mute in your class. And speaking of the "cute mute", everyone else started to walk inside the classroom with the "cute mute" walking in just as the lesson was about to start.

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now