Ralsei x Male!Reader (Mini-series Part 2)

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You had slept in as yesterday had really tired you out, especially using all of your powers at once. But when you did wake up, you saw you only had 10 minutes to get to school in order to not be late, so you got dressed as fast as you could, and ate your breakfast while rushing to school.

And when breakfast was done with and you got to school, you saw Toriel and Kris get out of their car, so you slowed down and took some deep breaths as running had tired you out. Once you got to the school, Toriel had already gone in with Kris about to go in, until you called out to them with them looking at you.

Y/n: H-Hey Kris! Sleep in as well? Who could blame you, yesterday was very eventful. But enough chit chat, let's go in before anyone thinks we're not here.

You opened the door for Kris and they walked past with you following close behind, and when you got to your classroom Kris went in first leaving the door open.

Alphys: Kris, there you are! A-and who's that behind you?

Kris went to their desk and you walked in closing the door behind you.

Alphys: A-Ah! Y/n! W-where were you yesterday? You never miss classes.

Y/n: Food poised.

Alphys: Oh no! W-what did you eat?

Y/n: Sushi.

Alphys: O-Oh, w-well it's nice to know you're ok! And you didn't really miss a lot, so I could easily fill you in.

You sat at your seat ignoring Berdly's smug look at you, and you just gave him the middle finger, but before he could say anything Alphys started the lesson.

Alphys: W-Well, good morning, class! We have a lot to go over today... First, we're starting the reading from page 142! Any... any volunteers?


Noelle: Umm, I... I guess I could read the... ah, trouble yourself not, Noelle! I will valiantly take this blow of humiliation!! And save Y/n's voice, as i'm sure it still needs to rest from the-

Y/n: Fuck you Berdly.

Susie then just laughed as Berdly just went silent looking at you.

Alphys: Y-Y/n! N-no language like that in my class!

Y/n: So you're just gonna let him make fun of me getting food poisoned? Wow, i'm SOOO grateful. Just get on with it bird brain, we all can't wait to fall asleep to the sound of your smug voice.

Susie laughed even harder with you giving Berdly a smug look before doing your own thing.


Alphys: B-Berdly? Are you-

Berdly: Worry not dear Ms. Alphys! His troublesome words do not bother me!

Alphys: O-Oh, r-right.

Berdly: A-HEM. "Page 142." "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," "Times-a pretty good. Times-a pterry bad."

Y/n: Just like this is.

Berdly: "Mediocre times. Iffy times. So-so times..."

And just like that, you noticed Kris had fallen asleep. You smirked and continued to listen to the bird brain read the book you were all reading. Once that torture was done with, Ms. Alphys then went through the project you were all doing and made sure you understood, which you always did.

Hours passed of torture, but eventually the bell rung, dissmissing you all. But Ms. Alphys kept you behind secretly, making sure Berdly didn't know.

Alphys: Y-Y/n, u-um, I know you have some beef with Berdly, and his comment didn't help... but could you not swear please?

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