Kris x Fem!Reader

415 6 17

"Hey, it'll be ok, just remember that I love you. And that I'll always be with you."

You held your grandpa close as he laid on his deathbed. And when he let out his breath, you wearily smiled through your waterfall of tears.

Y/n: I-I'll l-look a-after t-the s-shop.

You left the bedroom and called 911 to report the death of your grandpa. They arrived 5 minutes later and you watched as they took him away, but out of the corner of your eye, you saw a figure watching you. And after the ambulance drove away, you looked at where the figure was to see it was gone. You shed a single tear and went back inside your house to be greeted by silence, something you weren't used to as your grandpa would always welcome you with a warm hug.

Did I mention that you were now living by yourself at 17 years old. You lived with your grandpa as both of your parents had died, your father died whilst fighting in a war, and your mother died in the hospital after getting a certain disease. But now it was your grandpa's turn to die, and he died of old age at 100. He made it to 100 which was poggers as humans don't usually make it to that age, but you weren't complaining.

And as you walked through the empty halls while looking at the photos, you reached your room to see something on your computer desk. You went over to your computer desk and saw an envelope and some keys next to it.

You opened the envelope and took out a note that said "Y/n, I'm so proud of you. You've been through so much and lost so much yet you haven't broken or given up. And that is why I'm leaving my pride and joy to you. Those keys are the keys to YOUR sweet shop. You might have seen this coming as I've been teaching you how to manage money and other boring things. But please, take this chance to show the world that you're not useless like the stupid bullies say. If it fails…  then I'm still proud, as money isn't always the key to success. And… find someone… just like I found you. Love, gramps."

You smiled at the note while tears started to pour down your face. But when you lifted the envelope up, two things fell out. A debit card and a sticky note saying "Don't spend it all at once ;). Just go to this website and you'll see how much there is."

You took your phone out and went to the website. And when you logged in and saw the amount of money was there, your jaw dropped. You had $75,000 waiting for you to spend with another note telling you that this had been waiting for you for 7 years as you lived with your grandpa ever since you were 10 which was when your parents died.

But before you could do anything, you realised you had school in the morning and it was starting to get late, so you decided to hit the hay as all of this would be on your mind for quite a while.


You woke up and slammed your alarm clock before rubbing your eyes and sitting up. Once you were half awake, you got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. When you walked past your grandpa's door, you whispered "Good morning" and let your hand drag across it while walking past.

You reached your kitchen, and made your favourite breakfast like usual (just use what you normally eat for breakfast). Once you had your breakfast, you went back to your room to get dressed.

You took navy blue jeans out with a rainbow striped t-shirt and black trench coat with a red inner lining. Once you were dressed and got all your things for school, you left the house before locking it behind you with your newly found keys, and you walked to school with your hands in your pockets.

You got to school 10 minutes later to see Miss Toriel and Kris getting out of their car. You remembered that no one knew that your grandpa died last night, so you continued walking at your own pace and watched as both of them went into the school.

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now