Fem!Kris x Male!Reader

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I thought it might switch it up a bit as I've never made Kris female.


*Beep! Beep! beep!*

You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock on your phone going off, so you grabbed it and turned it off whilst opening your eyes a little bit. You put your phone back down and started to fall asleep again while closing your eyes, but another alarm on your phone went off a minute later which made you groan in annoyance.

Once you turned this backup alarm off, you moved your hands up to your face and rubbed your eyes whilst slowly sitting up. When you stopped rubbing your eyes, you were blinded by the light that filled the room through the curtain cracks, and it made your eyes instantly close with you groaning in pain.

When you blinked a couple of times to get your eyes adjusted to your room's light, you opened your eyes and picked up your phone that was on the bedside cabinet. The time read "8:15" which was a normal time for you to wake up as it didn't take you long to get ready for school.

You put your phone down and got out of your warm and comfortable bed. You left your bedroom and went to the kitchen before doing anything else. You got yourself some cereal and watched the TV as you ate it, and you saw that it was going to be sunny today but the air was still going to be cold, so you thought about what to wear as you finished your breakfast.

Once you had finished your cereal, you put the bowl in the sink as you weren't bothered about the washing up. You went back to your room and went to your closet. You picked out some black and purple trousers with rainbow suspenders and a white shirt with a black and yellow bowtie to go along with it.

When you were dressed you grabbed your black trenchcoat from the closet and grabbed your black satchel along with all of your other important items. But as you were about to leave, you remembered you forgot to make your lunch last night so it was ready for today, so you went back into the kitchen and made your lunch.

When you finished making your lunch and put it in your satchel, you checked the time and it read "8:48" which surprised you as you didn't know time could go that quickly. So you grabbed your keys and left your apartment before locking it up and walking to school.

And as you walked to school, you could've sworn something important was supposed to be happening in the next couple of days, but you just shook it off because Ms Alphys would probably remind everyone, that was if she hadn't forgotten herself.

You got to school 10 minutes later after walking at your own pace and when you went inside and were walking up to your class, you heard a voice yell before you heard a locker slam shut. You turned around and saw Susie (the school bully and your archnemesis) leaning against a locker that she had seemed to trap someone in.

You thought about what to do for a second before sighing and walking over to her to see what all the commotion was all about.

Susie: What d'you want?

Y/n: Who have you trapped in there?

Susie: No idea what you're talking about.

Y/n: Uh-huh, sure you don't. Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way.

And because you were a big and buff guy standing at 6"8' (which was only 3 inches smaller than Toriel), you easily towered over Susie who was 6"1'. You cracked your knuckles which made Susie grit her teeth before just walking off towards her class that you and her share. You sighed again before telling the person inside of the locker to stand back (not that they had a lot of room, to begin with).

You grabbed the locker door and ripped it off it's hinges, and luckily this locker belonged to no one so Toriel didn't have that much to complain to you. You set the locker door to the side which let the person exit and you managed to put the locker door back on as you had only lifted the screws out that kept it together.

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now