Kris x Mermaid!Fem!Reader

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Your father shouted at you as you left the water with your slippery fins quickly changing into feet so you wouldn't fall over the instant you left the water. When you were running you could hear your abusive father shout your name as you ran, and while running through these bushes which had little spikes on them, you got to a small town and instantly ran towards the nearest house.

You got to the house and banged on the door multiple times, and when your father came out of the bushes, the door opened with this tired looking white furry thing moving out of the way letting you in. When you heard your fathers screaming you instantly bolted inside with the furry thing locking the door behind.

With you panting heavily, the furry thing was about to talk before you put a finger over your mouth signaling for her to stay silent, and she did.


You heard your father's voice slowly get quieter and when it was fully silent you curled up in a ball and started to cry. The big furry thing walked closer to you and patted you on the back as you cried.

Toriel: I'm Toriel, and it seems you're in trouble. Would you like some tea to calm you down and talk about it?

You thought about it for a minute until nodding your head, Toriel let out a small smile and went to the kitchen to make some tea. You calmed your tears down to sniffs and joined the furry thing called Toriel at the dinner table who had a box of tissues ready for you.

Toriel: So, Y/n, is that your name?

Y/n: Y-Y-Yeah...

Toriel: Ok Y/n. What happened? Who was shouting at you?

Y/n: M-M-My d-dad... h-he... h-hits m-m-me...

Toriel: He does!? Why would he hit a beautiful girl like you? *sigh* Well, he definitely sounds like he does. And at the sound of it, you'd be in a lot of trouble if you did go back to him. Now, seeing how it's late, you can stay here tonight. And luckily it's the weekend, so we can properly talk when we wake up.

Y/n: O-O-Oh... T-Thank y-you...

Toriel: Of course my child. Where would you like to sleep? On the sofa or in the bed opposite my child?

Y/n: Y-You h-have a-a-a c-child?

Toriel: Yes, their name is Kris, but you can meet them when you wake up.

Y/n: O-Oh... O-Ok... S-Sofa p-please m-ma'am.

Toriel: Ma'am? That's very polite of you, but you can just call me Toriel.

Y/n: O-Oh, o-ok...

Toriel: I'll set the sofa up for you and feel free to ask for anything.

Y/n: O-Ok, t-thank you...

Toriel gave you a warm smile before getting up and setting the sofa up for you and during this, you went into the bathroom and splashed warm water over your face making your face turn to rainbow scales you were always bullied for, and a minute later the scales disappeared turning back into skin.

You left the bathroom and went over to the sofa where Toriel was waiting. You lead down on the sofa and she tucked you in just like your mom used to do, almost making you cry. She gave you another warm smile and left going back up stairs after turning the living room light off.

It felt weird to you that you weren't sleeping in the water and in someone else's house, but at least it was better than sleeping in fear with your father.

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now