Ralsei x Fem!Reader NSFW

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You were a darkner that was from one of the other dark worlds, and after the three heroes had sealed it, you found yourself in a new town. Ralsei, the prince of the town, seemed to like you a lot, as you helped the heroes through their journey by giving them free food from your bakeries to keep them from dying.

So that was something you and the prince already had in common, you both loved to bake. You also were a good fighter when needed, as you defended the three heroes from an evil woman who had them collapsed on the ground. Did I mention you were the overthrown princess of the dark world you came from? So you helped the heroes whenever you could.

But today was quiet, Kris and Susie had school work to do, so they couldn't visit. Lancer was busy being king with the help of Rouxls and Queen, so they were busy. All the other darkners just stayed in the town, while Ralsei was nowhere to be seen.

Y/n: Ralsei!

You called out for Ralsei as you had baked him a cake to cheer him up, but he was nowhere to be seen, which was never like him, so you grew concerned. Once the cake was done you left it in the kitchen not caring if it got demolished as Ralsei was more of a concern to you.

You went up the stairs and looked in all the rooms, but he wasn't in any of the rooms. But that was when you remembered Ralsei had his own room, but it was always blocked off no matter what. You went past the barriers and made your way up the stairs that led to Ralsei's room, and when you got to his room you knocked on the door.

Ralsei: H-Hello?

Y/n: It's me.

Ralsei: O-Oh, w-what is it?

Y/n: Nothing, I just grew concerned that you had gone missing. I've baked a cake to cheer you up, as no one is around.

Ralsei: O-Oh! Thank you!

Y/n: I'm coming in, you could be hurt.

Ralsei: N-No! I'm fine!

Y/n: Ralsei, i'll just quickly pop my head in then leave, I just want to see if you're ok.

Ralsei: I-I'm fine! Really!

Y/n: You hiding something?

Ralsei: N-No!

Y/n: Then it shouldn't be a problem.

You slowly opened the door hearing rustling from the other side, and when you put your head in you saw Ralsei on the bed under his duvet trying to hide something in the middle of him.

Y/n: You alright? You look... sweaty, flustered even.

Ralsei: Y-Yes, i'm fine.

Y/n: Hmm, you don't look it, do you have a cold?

Ralsei:... Y-Yeah.

Y/n: Oh Ralsei, is that why you're in bed?

Ralsei: M-Mhm.

Y/n: Well, even though I don't know how you got a cold, i'm gonna take care of you alright? I'll get you a slice of the cake.

Ralsei: O-Oh, thank you! (Please go down, please go down, please go down)

You gave Ralsei a friendly smile and left the room, and when you left the room Ralsei breathed a big sigh of relief and looked under the duvet. He sighed and tried to get his robes back on, but you had already returned with the cake, so he didn't have time to get his robes back on.

You walked over to him with the slice of cake and sat at the end of the bed after giving him the cake.

Ralsei: Thank you.

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now