Male!Kris x Older!Male!Reader

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One take out order for knight_of_zodiac, that'll be... £69 please :)

Just for context, you are 1 year older than Kris and 2 years younger than Asriel.


"How does it feel going back to your home town?" Your roommate asked as you were getting ready to go back home today as you had just finished at law school.

Y/n: Weird, but it'll be nice to see everyone again.

You said with a smile.

"Well, it was nice studying with you."

Y/n: Likewise!

"Make Sure to stay in contact"

Y/n: Don't worry, I will.

You shaked your roommate's hand before getting on the bus with a suitcase full of clothes and other things you had brought along, you also brought all the important awards you got from law school as they were too important to leave behind. You sat down on a seat next to the window and looked outside of the window with your head resting on your palm as you listened to some music on your earphones.

You watched as the scenery changed from the busy city you had studied at to trees that were all different colours and shapes. You thought about how much the town had changed since you left when you were still in childhood to pursue your dream of becoming a prosecutor.

I guess you could call yourself big brain as you were the top of your class and you were easily the tallest one being 6"7', which was surprising as not many humans were that tall, you even towered over some of the monsters that towered over other students.

And after watching the scenery for some time, you reached your stop and got off the bus. The bus set off and you looked around you to see the town was the exact same as how you left it.

Y/n: Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit.

You started to walk to your apartment before having a look around. You got to your apartment and unlocked the door before going inside. And after you dropped all of your things off you locked your apartment up and went back into the town.

You got into the town and noticed some graffiti and buildings that had been broken into. This made you feel concerned as it was never like this when you left, and as you started to walk and look around, someone ran into the back of you which made you turn around.

When you turned around you looked down at a black hooded figure holding a knife with two other black hooded figures running up to them.

"C'mon! We don't have time for this! Undyne could catch us any minute!"

Said one of the hooded figures in a semi-deep voice. The hooded figure that bumbed into you looked back and saw something blue running at them which you suspected to be Undyne. You knew who Undyne was as she gave you inspiration, so to pay her back you quickly grabbed all the hooded figures. And thanks to your strength and size you held onto the three hooded figures with ease as Undyne caught up to you all.

"Hey you! Thanks for the help!"

Y/n: No problem, officer Undyne.

Undyne:... Y/n?

Y/n: Long time no see huh?

Undyne: What happened to you!?

Y/n: Nothin', what happened to this place?

Undyne: Bad, bad bad things. But it's great to have you back! And it seems your height has come in handy!

"Let go of them."

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now