Ralsei x Male!Reader (Mini-series Part 11)

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It had been 100 years and-

Woah woah woah, too far, WAY too far, how about we turn it back a bit.

10 years later:

That's more like it! Now, on with the last chapter.

It had been 10 years so let me go through what's happened.

You were 26 and now a full time scientist working in the dark world. During the 10 years you had made tons of scientific advancements. You allowed all darkners to be able to go to the light world, found a new element, helped clean up the oceans, helped with climate change, and even managed to visit Africa to build millions of fresh water fountains that could pull the air around them and turn it into water.

Your scientific advances were heard all around the globe and you were given multiple awards for it, and you even helped build a new type of space travel after NASA had seen what you had done. But all of this was miniscule to what you did at home in the castle, as by now you had married the sweet prince and even had a child together.

But the unfortunate thing was, you were so busy that you hardly got any time to spend with Ralse or Abraxas (your (now teenage) human son).

But today, you decided to change that as you noticed Abraxas was feeling down, more than he already was. So when you were in your lab working on something, Abraxas tapped you on the shoulder, and when you turned around you saw he had tears running down his face.

Y/n: Oh Abraxas, what's wrong?

Abraxas: U-Umm, w-well-

*Ring ring*

You heard your phone ringing, so you picked it up and turned it off before kneeling down in front of Abraxas with your hands on his shoulders.

Y/n: What's wrong?

Abraxas: Y-You j-just-

Y/n: I did, because my son is more important.

Abraxas:...Y-You d-do c-care.

Abraxas hugged you while crying with you hugging back while rubbing his back slowly. You continued to hug each other until Abraxas' tears had been reduced to sniffs and with him looking at you, and you just wiped his tears away with your thumb while he was looking at you and he just gave you a small weak smile.

Y/n: Now, what is it?

Abraxas: U-Um, d-dad says t-that... t-to l-leave y-you a-alone... b-but I-I d-don't w-want to...

Y/n: Oh...

Abraxas: I-I... I m-miss y-you d-dad... a-and e-everyone a-at s-school s-says that y-your r-relationship w-with d-dad is f-falling a-apart...


Abraxas: T-That's n-not t-true... i-is i-it?


Abraxas: B-Because s-sometimes I-I hear y-you t-two s-shouting...

Y/n:... What am I doing... Why am I doing this? Has it all gone to my head? I think it has... it's not fair on him... it's not fair on Ralsei... I can't keep pushing them away... I-I... I'm so stupid...

Abraxas: W-What? N-No you're n-not!

Y/n: I am, i'm so stupid. Y'know what? Let's get out of this musky lab and get some ice cream, would you like that?

Abraxas: I-If it m-means I g-get to spend t-time with y-you, y-yes.

You gave Abraxas a smile, left your work phone while picking up your personal phone and both of you left the lab to go into the castle town. You would always spend time in the dark world as it was the only place where you knew you wouldn't be harassed, as being super famous did have it's setbacks.

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now