Male!Kris x Male!Player!Reader

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This was requested by @knight_of_zodiac.


"Oh my precious Player, where are you?~"

Y/n: (FUCK)

You were hiding from Kris who had a knife in his hand and an evil red glint in his eye. But why were you hiding from Kris? Well, after he had successfully pulled you out of his body and thrown you into the body you made from the very beginning, he wanted his revenge and so did everyone else apparently.

"You can't hide forever, I can hear you."

You covered your mouth with your hand to muffle your heavy breathing, and you had nowhere else to go, sooner or later Kris was going to find you and make sure you'd never come back. Many thoughts went through your head, but you suddenly had the idea of running to the Dark World, where you hoped Ralsei would help you or at least spare you thanks to his "never killing anyone" rule.

"You can't run to the Dark World, Susie's there."

Y/n: ( So I stay here and get stabbed, or go to the Dark world and get eaten.)

"If you come out now, I may be willing to "talk" to you, something I can freely do now that you're gone."

You thought about what they said for a solid minute before tears started to pour down your face. You only wanted to go home, you didn't want to die, you just wanted to be part of their adventure, but this wasn't what you meant. You built up the courage with tears still pouring down your face and stood up from behind a bush you were hiding behind.

"Ah, there are you."

Y/n:... I would s-say i'm s-sorry... b-but we b-both k-know... t-that would be u-useless t-to s-say... j-just l-like I am h-here...

Kris: Yes, you're in our world now, where your choices and consequences really do matter. Do you accept your fate?

Y/n:... Home is where the heart is... and right now I don't have one... so yes... just end my life already... i've already caused enough pain... it was time that I got some...

Kris: Any last words?

Kris walked closer to you and put his knife's blade up to your neck which would kill you instantly once you had said your final words.

Y/n:... I'm proud of you.

And just like that, Kris had unintentionally slit your neck after hearing you say your last words. But why was it unintentional? Surely he doesn't care about you, right? But for whatever reason, he dropped his knife and started to panic slightly, he picked you up and ran to the Dark World with you.

Kris got to the school a minute later and instantly jumped down into the Dark World as soon as they got to the school supply closet. Once Kris landed, he noticed your black SOUL start to turn grey with you slowly turning into dust. Kris ran into the castle where Ralsei and Susie were, and Susie just just judged Kris as he gave you to Ralsei who was concerned about you and started to do his healing magic.

Susie: Dude, why? I thought you wanted to kill him and now you're trying to save him.

Kris:... He's still valuable, he might have information.

Susie: Like what? What is there we still don't know?

Kris: Who he actually is.

Susie:... So you want to befriend your controller?


Ralsei: Susie, if he still has power then it would be useful to befriend him, who knows what he can do.

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