Hanahaki!Fem!Kris x Male!Reader!

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Y/n: Mom! I'm gonna go hang out with Kris!

"Oh, alright! Be back before it's dark!"

Y/n: Mhm.

That was what you said to your mom before leaving your house to hang out with Kris, who was your best friend you would always be with no matter what. But recently you've noticed Kris has started to cough more, you asked her about it and she said she had a cold, but it was summer, so you didn't really believe it.

Another thing you noticed was that Kris would always be super close to you, she even asked if she could hold your hand when you both walked to school together one day, and you agreed as you wanted to hold her hand as well. But you liked Kris being super close to you as you had started to develop a small crush on her.

*knock knock knock*

You knocked on the front door of Kris' house and after waiting a minute Kris answered the door to see you standing there which made her cough a little and blush.

Y/n: Hey Kris.

Kris: H-Hi Y/n.

Y/n: Still got that cold?

Kris: Mhm.

Y/n: Even though it's summer, and it's been 3 months since you told me that.

Kris: U-Umm...

Y/n: Well, I'm here to hang out.

Kris: O-Oh, ok.

Kris moved out of the way and let you inside her house as you smiled at her and give her a hug after she closed the door behind you, and when you hugged her she jumped a little before hugging back.

Y/n: Kris, I wanna talk.

Kris: A-About what?

Y/n: Us.

Kris: O-Oh.

You stopped hugging Kris and held her hand as you walked over to the sofa, you sat down and Kris sat down next to you as you held onto both of her hands as you looked at her which made her blush.

Y/n: It's obvious you don't have a cold, what's wrong?


Y/n: Kris, I care about you, please.

Kris:... I-I u-umm... Y/n... I-I don't t-think I C-CAN tell y-you...

Y/n: Why? Maybe I can help.

Kris:... Y-You know h-how... I've been closer to y-you...?

Y/n: Yes?

Kris: W-Well... t-there's an r-reason f-for t-that...

Y/n: Hm, was it because you like being close to me?

Kris: Mhm...

Y/n: Well, don't worry, I like being close to you as well.

Kris: Y-You d-do?

Y/n: Mhm, you're nice to have around, and you're a great friend.

This made Kris start to cough uncontrollably which made you start to freak out, but when Kris finally stopped coughing a golden petal escaped her mouth and landed in front of both of you. And you just looked at the golden petal in silence as Kris quickly picked it up and hid it which made you look at her.

Y/n: First moss and then flowers? What's next? Tree bark, haha.

Kris: Hehe, might be.

Y/n: Well, make sure to swallow properly.

Kris: Mhm.

Y/n: So, what should we do?

Kris: Y/n... I... I need to do something, you don't mind, do you?

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