Kris x Neko!Male!Reader (Mini-series part 6)

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You woke up perfectly fine, no nightmare, no dark world, just your regular room to which you sighed thankfully. You sat up and got out of bed before walking over to your closet, and luckily you had remembered you had to wear a skirt to school today, so you took out a secret skirt you had been hiding with some thigh high socks.

The skirt was black and white with the thigh high socks black and white as well. You also took a black t-shirt that had blue, pink, and purple stripes in the middle, and a white bow to go along with it. You tucked the t-shirt into the skirt you had already put on, and after putting the socks on and bow on your right ear, you went downstairs.

You sat at the dinner table whilst on your phone and your mom just brought your breakfast over to you in silence.

M/n: Sweetie?

Y/n: Yeah?

M/n: You may want to bring some tissue paper with you, so everyone doesn't get nose bleeds.

Y/n: Oh, right.

M/n: And don't bend down or stand above anyone.

Y/n: I won't.

M/n: Good, now eat your breakfast, Kris will be here soon.

Y/n: Mhm.

You put your phone away and looked up at your mom who was smiling at you, you smiled back and ate your breakfast happily. And when your breakfast was done, you got all your things for school, hugged your mom goodbye and left the house. When you left your house, you saw Kris standing there with widened eyes and a big blush on their face. You walked over to them and held their hand while kissing them on the cheek making them blush even more.

Y/n: Hey Krissy~

Kris: H-Hey Y-Y/n. R-Ready?

Y/n: Mhm. I always am when i'm with you~

You winked at Kris making them blush while looking away and you both walked to school while holding hands. And when you both got to the school 5 minutes later, Kris stopped holding your hand while screaming internally because they could feel an unnerving presence around them. You just smirked at Kris as they blushed even more whilst opening the door for you.

And when you went to your class after going to your locker, you opened the door and saw the majority of the class looking at you and all blushing slightly. You sat down at your desk and went through the assignment making sure you didn't miss anything, and after checking it a million times, Miss Alphys walked in.

*1 boring lesson later*

Noelle: H-Hey Y/n!

You were at your locker when Noelle had approached you and it appears she was blushing.

Y/n: Oh, hi Noelle.

Noelle: N-Nice skirt!

Y/n: Oh! Thank you!

Noelle: I-I don't think anyone paid any attention during that lesson.

Y/n: Do they normally pay attention?

Noelle: U-Umm, W-Well, no... B-But definitely no now.

Y/n: Ah, because of me, right?

Noelle: U-Umm, y-yeah, I-I guess.

Y/n: Well it's not my fault i'm not in a skirt.

Noelle: H-HUH!? I-I didn't say that!

Y/n: I know that you think so.

Noelle: W-What!? B-But you k-know I-I-

Y/n: I know, but who says you can't have 2 crushes?

Noelle: Y-Y/n! I-I d-don't-

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