Ralsei x Male!Reader (Mini-series Part 9)

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Y/n: Busy busy busy.

You kept saying while running around the lab you had built into the castle. And you kept running back and forth with Ralsei, Kris, and Susie watching at the door.

Ralsei: Y/n.

Y/n: Busy busy busy.

Kris: Y/n!

Y/n: Busy busy busy.

Susie: Oh for god's sake. Y/N!

Y/n: WHAT!?

You stopped to say to them before continuing to run back and forth.

Ralsei: Please, it's been a month, just stop running around.

Y/n: And have the diamond explode? Do you know how unstable it is? I still have yet to find a suitable body and mind.

Susie: What the hell does that mean?

Y/n: Oh, I never told you guys. U-Umm, well I found out there is a way to contain a Dark Diamond, and it's to be put into a body, but it's extremely dangerous as the diamond would just make the body angry and well... do bad things, so that's a no go. Until I have a reliable source of anger then I cannot rest.

Ralsei: Does it have to be anger?

Y/n: What else could it be? You know it rejects love, the fountain is only here because it was created by someone who had a lot of hatred. Oh but let's not dwell on the past! This is much more important! Now-

Kris: C'mon, what is it about the past? Can't you just this once talk about it? What are you so scared of?

Y/n:... That doesn't matter now, it never did.

Kris: Y/n please, it's just us.

Y/n:... I made it.

Kris: What was that?

Y/n: I made it, I made the fountain. When I was shoved into the goddamn supply closet I felt like I did nothing wrong, so I had an anger outburst which made me fall into THE GODDAMN DARK VOID! WHY DO YOU THINK I WAS SO SPITEFUL ON THE FIRST ADVENTURE!? BECAUSE I WAS MAD AS HELL THAT THIS HAPPENED! I DIDN'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN! I JUST WANTED TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE! BUT IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR!? OF COURSE IT IS!

Alfred: M-Master! It's alright, here, take some tea.

Alfred popped out of nowhere and gave you some tea after sitting down and drinking the tea making you calm down.

Y/n: H-Ha, thanks.

Alfred: It's quite alright master.

Susie: Who the hell is that?

Y/n: Alfred, my butler and lab assistant.

Alfred: Charmed to meet you all.

Ralsei: O-Oh! Hello!

Alfred: Charmed to meet you my lord.

Susie: Him as well?

Alfred: Yes, as a butler I must only greet master and his noble's a fitting title.

Y/n: Alfred, what did the diamond do when I had that outburst?

Alfred: Not a lot master, although the red did light up a bit so it still had a bit of an effect.

Y/n: Ugh, pour some hydrochloric acid on it, write down the results.

Alfed: Of course master.

Alfred happily walked off and did what you said.

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