Kris x Fem!Vampire!Reader

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You watched the sunset from your old house in the woods as you grew hungry, just thinking about the sweet taste of blood made you lick your lips as they skimmed above your two sharp fangs. And 10 minutes later, the sun had almost set with a light golden glow beam across the sky, so you went downstairs from your balcony and left your old house.

You walked through the woods as your red cape flapped in the wind that was connected to a golden chain around your chest. And as your black boots got covered in some mud, your black and dark purple cloak remained spotless, and your golden long hair blew in the wind as well along with your red cape.

And after walking through the woods for some time, you reached the bottom of a town near a school. You turned yourself into a bat as it was now nightfall and you flew above the town getting a good view of what it looked like. And after flying around for a bit, you landed on a tree branch and looked for someone to SSSUCK.

But after seeing no one around, you were about to fly away when a metal bird cage was put over you. The sudden cage around you made you hit your head against the metal bars and right wing that made it unusable. You looked around to see who had captured you and you saw a big pair of blood red eyes looking at you.

And because you had blood red eyes as well your small bat eyes widened as you blushed a little bit. You looked at the rest of the captor and saw that they were a human, which made you blush a bit more as it was rare for humans to have red eyes, maybe they were a vampire like you.

The human then tilted their head slightly before smiling a little and whispering something under their breath, you couldn't make out all of it but you heard the word "cool" being said, which made you blush a little more as you continued to stare at the human. The human then picked the cage up and carried it with you still looking at them, but you broke the gaze a minute later by realising you were now trapped.

You tried to get out of the cage, but thanks to your damaged right wing, you couldn't do anything, so you just accepted your fate as you looked around you in the cage. Your attention then drew to a house where the human had finally reached, and you were instantly blinded by the light when the human took you into the house.

"Kris! Where have you been!? It's dark out!"

Said a loud white furry creature as they walked over to the human who you guessed was Kris. They then lifted up the cage with you in it and you just looked at the white furry creature as they looked at you with widened eyes.

"Aww! It's so cute! But you should let it go, we can't keep a wild bat inside our house."

Y/n: (Yeah, I wish.)

Kris looked at you before opening the front door and opened the door to your bird cage, but you didn't move. You flapped your left wing while keeping the right one stationary, and when you moved the right wing it instantly sent a sharp pain through your body which made you squeak in pain.

"Oh poor thing, it's wing must be damaged. Well, it seems we're looking after it now until it's wing is healed. We'll have to see what bats need to survive, and it can stay in your room Kris, as long as it stays in that cage."

You looked up at Kris who had closed the cage door and front door, they then looked down at you and smiled a little before taking you upstairs to their room. When you got inside their room Kris put the cage in a red cart that was in the corner of the room.

Kris: Sorry.

You just looked at Kris with widened eyes as you noticed a few tears ran down their face.

Kris: I didn't mean to hurt you... if you can understand me...

You thought for a second before thinking of a way of communicating with them, so you squeaked at them while nodding your head slightly.

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