Male!Kris x Stressed!Male!Reader

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knight_of_zodiac c'mon, this was ez clap, gimme something harder.


Y/n: God, these taxes are the worst!

You were working in Sans' store and Sans gave you the task of doing the taxes.......... Oh, who am I kidding? you just did them because you knew he wouldn't. But before you could do any more of those dreadful taxes, you heard someone ring the bell on the front desk. So you got up from where you were sitting and went over to the counter.

Y/n: What can I-

"Excuse me!"

Y/n: Uhhhhhhhhhh? What can I-

"Don't give me that attitude! I deserve to be talked to with respect!"

Y/n: (Omfg) Sorry, sir or ma'am, how may I help?

"That's better! Now! I have a complaint! I noticed that you don't have skim milk in, why is that? Are you not doing your job?"

Y/n: I can-

"Excuse me?"

Y/n:... I WILL go check if we have some.

"Much better!"

You went into the back to check if you had any skim milk for the Karen, and it turned out you didn't, so you cursed to yourself before going back over to the counter.

Y/n: We unfortunately do not have any skim milk.

"What!? Then how will I have my cereal!? With 2% milk!? Disgusting! What are you running here!? A fat factory!?"

Y/n: With all you dew respect sir or ma'am, we were meant to have a delivery today, but it got cancelled because-

"I bet you cancelled it! You just want to see everyone starve! You're disgusting! Let me talk to your manager!"

(Bingo! There it is!)

Y/n: My manager is not here today, I can call him if you'd like.

"Absolutely! Call him right now!"

You took your phone out and called Sans, but go no answer which made the Karen angrier, you then called him again, and after the second call went silent for a second... it went straight to voicemail, so you gave it one last ring with it still going to voicemail, and you just put your phone back in your pocket.

Y/n: My manager is on vacation right now, but you could leave a complaint online.

"Absolutely not! How dare your manager leave his store in YOUR hands! How awful! I'll have you know that my son is a lawyer and not selling goods is illegal!"

Y/n:... Well, that's all nice and well, but if you're that desperate for some milk then you'll have to buy 2%.

"I don't think so! You don't tell me what to do! I'll tell YOU what to do! Now-!"


The angry Karen turned around with you looking around, and you saw Kris standing at the door.

"Excuse me!?"


"How DARE you speak to me this way! Where are your parents!?"

Kris: Why do YOU need to know?

"So I can tell them how they raised such a terrible child!"

"Excuse me!?"

And just like that, Toriel and Asriel walked through the door with both of them pissed at how this Karen was talking to Kris.

Toriel: How dare you speak to my child that way!

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now