Kris x Flirty!Male!Reader

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You were a simple human 17 year old boy working as a cashier at Sans' grocery shop. But it was really your shop as you were the one doing all the work, Sans would just come in to check if you were there (which you always were) and leave.

Toriel: Have a good day!

Y/n: You too!

You had a chat with Toriel like you two always would and she left the shop with her daily shopping. And a minute after she left, someone else came in, but you had never seen them before. They had black fur, green robe and hat, pink scarf and green glasses as well.

You gave a friendly smile and waved at them, they blushed and waved back before walking over to you.

Y/n: Afternoon! How may I help?

Ralsei: O-Oh, h-hi... u-um, h-how d-does o-one 's-shop'?

Y/n: Oh, is this your first time? Well I can help! I'll get a basket, you tell me what you want and i'll get it for you! Or if you have a list then hand it to me!

Ralsei: O-Oh, u-um, h-here.

Ralsei took the list he had out of his pocket and gave it to you while hiding his paws, but you could take it out his paws.

Y/n: I can't take it if it's hidden in your perfect paws you gorgeous goat.

Ralsei blushed even more when he heard those flirts/compliments so you grabbed his paw and unraveled it to take the list from it making Ralsei blush even more. But when you took the list you were still holding Ralsei's paw making him blush even more and hide his face.

Y/n: Ok! This won't take long at all!

Ralsei: Y-You're u-um, s-still h-h-holding m-my p-paw.

Y/n: Hm? Oh, sorry. It's just that you're too much of a gorgeous goat not to.

Ralsei: O-Oh, u-um, I-I, u-um...

Y/n: You sound like you've never been flirted with, or had any compliments.

Ralsei: U-Um, n-no, I-I-I h-haven't.

Y/n: Guess there's a first for everything! Haha. And it seems this is your first time shopping as well, c'mon, i'll show ya around.

Ralsei: O-Oh, o-ok.

You slid over the counter still holding Ralsei's paw and grabbed a basket while still holding the list. You took Ralsei around the store getting his items for him and with him blushing and hiding his face in his scarf.

Once you got all his items in the basket you took him back over to the counter and scanned all time items after letting go of his paw. And once you had everything scanned, Ralsei took a bag of coins out and you were confused about the form of payment.

Y/n: No one's ever paid with coins before, gold ones especially. But we're not in a video game, BUT there is a conversion list somewhere, let me look for it.

Ralsei: O-Oh, o-ok.

You went into the back to look for the conversion list and a minute later you came back out with it and looked at the coins and conversion list back and forth. You scratched your head in confusion until you reached the very bottom of the list where you saw the conversion for the coins.

And when you saw the conversion rate and who would use them your eyes widened and looked up at Ralsei who was still blushing from the hand to paw contact.

Y/n: Well, it's nice to meet you prince of darkness.

Ralsei: H-Huh? U-um... h-how d-do y-you k-know?

Y/n: It says who uses what type of currency on the list.

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