Flirty!Fem!Kris x Quiet!Male!Reader

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You were woken up to the sound of your alarm going off, so you turned it off and rolled out of bed you groaned in annoyance as it was a school day and had to deal with the school thot. You walked over to your closet and put your black trousers on along with a white t-shirt and red bow tie. Once you put your deodorant on and combed your brown hair into your usual hairstyle you left your room with only your phone as your school stuff was in the locker at school.

You got downstairs and went into the kitchen, you saw a note from your mom saying she had to go to work early and wouldn't return until tomorrow, which gave you some time to chill out and relax. You got your breakfast like normal and once that was done you checked the weather and saw it was going to be mild with no clouds, so you didn't bother grabbing a coat.

You left your house and felt the shine on you as you walked to school in silence with your hands in your pockets as you walked.

"Mr sweet ass! Wait for your Queen!" That was what you heard in the distance coming from a voice you weren't that fond of, so you stopped walking and turned around to see Kris running up to you in a black crop top, black and white mini skirt, and black thigh high socks. Crop tops and "revealing" things weren't allowed in school, but because Kris was the principal's daughter she got to wear whatever she wanted, which was always revealing things as she liked to tease everyone, you included, but you being the gigachad you were, you just ignored her.

Kris: Oh! You actually stopped today! What a pleasure!

Kris had caught up to you and tried to hug you, but you just stood backwards which made her annoyed.

Kris: Why no hug?

You rolled your eyes and turned around before walking again, but Kris then ran up to the side of you and tried to lock your arms but you moved out the way so her arm couldn't reach yours. Kris tried to lock arms again but you stopped before crossing the road and continuing to walk to school with Kris chasing after you.

Kris: Why are you doing this? You would tell me to stop, oh wait, you don't like using your voice. Well, I'm sure you've got a great voice! I wanna hear it.

You stopped walking and just looked at Kris in silence as she looked at you with a spark of hope in her eyes, you shook your head and continued walking with Kris catching up to you and walking by your side.

Kris: Your hand looks heavy, could I hold it for you?


You ignored Kris as she tried to flirt with you, and you both finally came up to the school. You decided that your one act of kindness for the day was opening the door for Kris, so you walked into the school first and kept the door open for Kris which weirdly made her blush and smile at you.

Kris: T-Thanks, no one's done that for me.

You shut the door and walked to your locker with Kris doing the same as her mild blush disappeared from her face. After getting your things from your locker you didn't even bother to wait for Kris, so you just went straight into class with the majority of them there already. You sat down at your desk and waited for Ms Alpyhs to show up like everyone else was.

Kris then walked in but you really weren't paying any attention as you were looking through some of your notes, but she then sat on your lap which made you look at her unamused as she just smiled at you.

Kris: Is this seat taken?

You just stared at Kris in silence as she readjusted herself where she had her legs on either side of yours and hands on your knees which made it look dirty. You just screamed internally as you looked around the room and saw everyone just ignoring you both, but there was one person who wasn't.

Deltarune Oneshots (DeltaruneXReader)Where stories live. Discover now