Yandere!Male!KFC x Male!Reader

431 5 15

Ez clap x4 


You were taking a nice stroll down the street on the path when you heard footsteps following you. You turned around and saw no one there, so you began to walk again which made the footsteps begin again, so you turned around and still saw no one there, so you carried on walking as the footsteps continued to follow you.

You came up to a turning, so you casually turned down it and waited for whoever was following you, and when you saw the figure walk past and was about to turn, you grabbed them and pinned them against the side of the building you were next to.

Y/n: If you're following me, why?

"Because you're cute." said the person in a tone which you recognised. And as you looked at them you saw it was Kris who was following you and you were pinning against the building.

Y/n: Kris?

Kris: Mhm.

Y/n: Why the hell were you following me?

Kris: Because you're cute.

Y/n: Kris, I'm serious, why were you following me?

Kris: I already told you.

Y/n: Well, that's not a good enough answer.

"What the hell is going on here?" was what you and Kris heard coming from next to you, so you both looked over at where the voice came from and saw Chara standing there with his arms behind his back as he look half confused and half annoyed.

Y/n: Hey Chara, Kris was being a creep, could you sort him out?

Chara: Sure, you don't need to be crept on (only I can do that).

Y/n: Ha, thanks.

You walked away from Kris and walked past Chara as he looked at you before walking over to Kris and just staring at him with Kris staring at him back. And you swear you could hear shouting as you continue on your walk, but just ignored it as you got further away. And only a minute later did someone shout at you from across the street, you looked over and saw Frisk waving at you with a smile, so you waved at him back and he ran over to you.

Y/n: Hey Frisk.

Frisk: Y/n! How've you been?

Y/n: Eh, the same as usual, bored.

Frisk: Oh, is this why you're out here?

Y/n: Yeah, kinda. I just had Kris being a creep and following me, but Chara's sorting him out.

Frisk: Oh, well do you wanna hang out with me if you're bored?

Y/n: Sure!

Frisk: Do you wanna, hold hands?

Y/n: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, pretty weird thing to ask, but sure!

You offered your hand for Frisk to hold and he did with a small blush on his face, you both began to walk together around the town as held hands. And as you both walked around the town Frisk noticed out of the corner of his eye that Kris and Chara were watching them, so he stuck his tongue out at them before getting closer to you which made you chuckle and the other two pissed off.

You got to Sans' store and asked if Frisk wanted anything, he happily decided before telling you he need to be somewhere, so you understood before he hugged you and kissed you on the cheek before walking off, you just chuckled before entering Sans' store. Frisk on the other hand turned the corner and saw a not so happy Kris and Chara.

Frisk: What's wrong?

Kris & Chara: He's mine!

Frisk: Hmm, is he? I think he's mine actually.

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