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Fifth Year

Remus Lupin had a secret. All of his three friends knew it. Thanks to one of his closest friends, Severus Snape now knew as well. Of course Dumbledore handled that, but what he couldn't handled what the wedge between the Marauders.

James Potter was the most stubborn person you would meet at Hogwarts. He knew what he wanted and wouldn't give up, until it happened. Why do you think James never gave up on his Lily-Flower?

The prank Sirius Black had pulled on Severus Snape was two months ago, and yet Remus Lupin was still barely speaking to the boy. One word answers were all that would come out Remus' mouth when it came to talking to Sirius Black. James Potter was tired of it.

"Remus, please!" James begged as he walked with his friend down the corridor. "It has been two months! At least tell him something besides yes or no! It's breaking his heart!"

Remus stopped and turned to glare at James. "And he broke my heart when I heard of what he had done! He didn't even tell me himself! He hid from me, James. He was scared of me! Do you not know how that makes me feel?" Remus yelled.

James was more than thankful that no one was around. Remus had very good points, but James missed his friends. Whether they returned to lovers or not, he missed his family being one.

Remus shook his head slowly. "Look James, I'm not like Lily. She can look at you after you caused Snape to call her that horrid name, but that's because your situation is different. You defended her after she was called that name. You spoke to her and apologized. Sirius hid from me. He couldn't even face me. Sirius and I were a thing, while Lily and you weren't anything."

James watched as his best friend's head turned in the opposite direction. The sound of heels against the stone floor caught both of their attention. Their eyes stayed trained on a certain blonde Slytherin. The queen of Slytherin.

Jordan-Ella Rosier was beautiful and no one could deny it. Many tried, but failed. Some would have thought she was part Veela considering how her beauty attracted everyone towards her.

Remus looked at James one last time. "I think even Miss Jordan-Ella Rosier can agree with me. She probably knows, since Snape likes to run his mouth. Thanks a fucking lot, James."

James watched Remus walk away as Jordan was approaching. James groaned before kicking the bench near him. Instant regret hit him as his foot started to hurt.

"Well that was not such a great idea, Potter." Jordan-Ella looked down the corridor and saw Remus stalking away, "What did you do to Lupin to make him so pissed off? It's making it hard not to believe Snape nowadays."

James turned around with anger written all over his face. "Get out of here, Rosier. This is Gryffindor business. You don't even know us."

Jordan smiled, trying to calm James down. "Relax, Potter. Snape talks in his sleep more than he does when he's awake." She paused, "I'm not going to share Remus' secret. It isn't fair nor is it my place. It's like I don't even know."

James remained silent as he sat down and the blonde sat down next to him. "Here's my advice." She offered, "Let Remus have his time alone. Summer is coming up and let him cool off. Write him a letter apologizing and make Sirius do the same. Tell him to do whatever he needs to do to get over it, and you will be there when he is ready. Assure him that he means a lot to you and that his secret doesn't define him. Also, if you ever want Lily to speak to you again, write her an apology, then leave her alone to heal. You and your boys have hurt a lot of people this year."

He was stunned. James Potter forgot how poetic and calm Slytherin's can be.. Jordan's words hit him like a brick and his walls of confidence came down. A girl who comes from the cold-hearted Slytherin house, is offering him advice.

"Why are you helping me? You don't know me and I don't know you. We aren't friends." James snapped.

Jordan chuckled. "I have a younger brother and I take care of Regulus.. I've had to grow up faster, so I can raise him better than my parents ever could. I know when I see someone who needs to be brought back to reality."

"Regulus is Sirius' brother. Sirius can take care of him." James muttered.

Jordan nodded as she stood up. "I know, but that's just a title for him. He is no brother to Regulus. If he was, he wouldn't have stopped speaking to him the moment he was put into Slytherins. Blood should be thicker than water."

James watched as Jordan walked away and he groaned.

Was he really going to take advice from her?

They don't live in the same world, better yet the same side of the castle.

James just hoped Sirius would never find out about this.

Sirius will cause hell fire if he knew Jordan-Ella Rosier was involved in their private life.

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