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Final addition to The Mess


Weeks had passed since we arrived to Hogwarts. One month into a new year, my final year, and so much had happened. Evan and I realized who killed our parents. We had realized it would take a lot for us to continue acting like we loved everyone in our group.

As the month of October slipped into our lives, so did deatheater meetings for the others. Lyra and I were sitting in the common room when Evan approached us with something I never thought I would hear come from his mouth.

"I think I'm in love with two people." He confessed to the two of us.

Lyra looked at Evan, then around to see our surroundings. I knew she was looking to see if Regulus was around. If Evan was confessing something without Regulus by his side, then it had to be about Regulus.

"Oh, sweet Merlin! Evan James, tell me you do not think that you are in love with Lily Evans and Regulus Black!" Evan stayed silent and Lyra pinched the bridge of her nose. "You Rosiers always messing with that poor girl's relationships."

I reached behind me and took the pillow I was leaning against and smacked Lyra with it. "Don't start with that shit. Evan didn't say anything, so don't assume. It could be Regulus and someone else."

"It is Lily and Regulus."

"Evan!" I snapped.

Evan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Don't yell at me! Do you think I picked for this to happen? Do you think I asked to fall for a muggleborn, then fall for Regulus Black! Merlin knows he's in love with Barty anyway."

Lyra's expression soften. "Tell us more about it. We won't interrupt you. Just talk to us about it."

"Well," Evan began. "I really do fancy Lily, could even love her, but something within me just knows that we won't work. I'm not saying purebloods and muggleborns can't mix, but those rules are still so instilled in my head. It still feels even the tiniest bit wrong to be with her just out of habit from telling myself that. She grew up in a world without magic. I grew up with magic and now I have this uncontrollable magic. What if it passes on to my kids?"

"And Regulus?" I asked.

Evan's eyes lit up hearing me say his nam. "He's Regulus Black. What isn't there to love? His presence in a room makes my insides feel like they are burning. His eyes hold promise of a love that can last forever. His smile shows me a safe place to rest. He took my iced over heart and warmed it up. I've fallen for my best friend."

I knew what Regulus was facing. He spoke of Regulus like he was the love of his life, but didn't describe Lily how he did Regulus. He loved Lily, but was in love with Regulus. If our parents were alive, either choice would be a bad one. But they aren't here. Evan is free.

"My dear brother, I want you to replay everything you just said, but now inside of your head. You came up with excuses for Lily, but you didn't come up with one for Regulus. If you love him, go find him and tell him." I expressed to him.

Evan looked down at his hands, then met my eyes. Something in the way he looked at me told me that I wasn't going to like what he was about to say. "He's in love with Barty. I see the way he still looks at him. If Barty told him he wanted Regulus back I am sure that Regulus would jump into his arms. How could he ever love me the way he loves Barty?"

"Listen to me, I understand feeling that way. You have two people who you fancy, but you fancy one of them more than the other. You are having a hard time to accept that though. Do you remember me telling you about what my amortentia smelt like? I smelt one thing from each Marauder, minus Peter. Now, it's up to me to realize who I want to be with. You must do the same, but with time. Be patient and time will show you."

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