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Finishing what was started and starting what needs to be done.


"I am not going to a funeral with no body to bury! If they were going to say he is dead, they could at least search for a body! He could have ran away for Merlin's sake." Evan screamed as he shut the door in Regulus and Jordan-Ella's face.

Regulus and Jordan-Ella shared a look with each other, before they both sighed and left the entryway to Evan's bedroom. "He's been like this for weeks. The denial part of grief is hitting him the worst."

"Evan won't go through all the stages." Jordan replied, as they walked down the stairs. "Once he accepts it, he will go straight to revenge. He will get himself killed trying to avenge Barty's death."

"But revenge is not a part of the stages of grief." Regulus stated.

Jordan stopped once they reached the bottom of the stairs. "It is when it comes to Evan's stages. Look, auror training starts for the both of you in three weeks and I would advise that the both of you get the revenge idea out of your head. Cry, scream, do whatever you need, but don't go on a murder spree. Too many people will die in this war and I don't want it to be either of you."

"Your mind healer training could be useful for Evan. It would allow him to break through whatever he is fighting." Regulus muttered.

Jordan opened the front door of Rosier Manor and sighed. "I won't invade my brother's mind without permission. I have the privileges of a mind healer, but I will not use them to my advantage and invade someone's mind, unless they allow me." She leaned towards Regulus and kissed him on the cheek. "I will see you both tonight at the meeting. Make sure to add the enchantments after I get off the lot."

Regulus watched Jordan exit the property and swished his wand, adding the enchantments back on the lot. "Evan, she's gone now." Regulus called out.

Evan came trotting down the stairs, fixing his collar. "I am too good at acting. Too good." He slid on the marble floor, stopping himself when he was close enough to Regulus. "I assume she believed it."

"I hope so. If her acting is as good as yours, she could be onto us already, but wanted us to believe that she does not have a clue." Regulus informed Evan. "Either way, we don't have much time. Six hours to investigate Kreacher and complete the task Barty left for us."

Evan opened his mouth to tell Regulus something, but he jumped when Kreacher appeared in front of him. Regulus snorted as Evan and Kreacher glared at each other. "You're the only one who would have a problem with a house elf."

"Can we get this over with? Last time Kreacher was here he tried to poison me." Evan muttered.

Regulus chuckled and sat Kreach down in the parlor. "Tell us everything that The Dark Lord told you and everything that Mister Crouch was unable to complete. What really happened to him?"

Kreacher folded his tiny hands together. "There was this cave. Kreacher and the Dark Lord were there, but he made Kreacher drink a nasty drink. Kreacher thought he was dying. Once the Dark Lord was done, he left me there. Kreacher went to Mister Crouch for help because he was home from school while Master Regulus was not home. Mister Crouch said that if he did not return twelve hours after Kreacher left, to give Mister Rosier and Master Regulus the letter."

Regulus took the letter from Kreacher and unfolded it. Out loud he read:

Evan and Regulus,

If you are reading this then it means that I did not survive. The Dark Lord's power comes from horcruxes. He has five of them and I sent myself on the mission to find the first one: The locket of Salazar Slytherin.

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