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Traumatic Events


The sound of an owl rapidly flying into the bedroom of James and Jordan Potter, woke the both of them up, but it was Jordan who jumped to her feet to receive the letter. She knew Lyra could give birth at any moment.

Jordan took the letter from the owl, as James put his glasses on. She read the letter as fast as she could, but was interrupted when the patronus of Dumbledore entered their room. "We need all the members in Helena Hollow. The fight is becoming too much for us to handle."

The couple shared a look with each other. "James, I cannot go fight right now. Lyra needs me to be there for her. I'm the only one that can be there besides the healer. I must go and be with her."

James shook his head. "That's not what I'm worried about. Lyra is going into labor and the two possible fathers of her child could be in Helena Hollow fighting for their life. We both know the Zabinis are more than regular magical, pureblood families. They are very spiritual as well. Lyra will-"

"Lyra will feel it when the father dies." Jordan finished for James. "Whoever he is, if he dies Lyra's going to feel it as well as the pains of childbirth. It could kill her."

Jordan ran to the closet and started packing a bag. "I will be home before Christmas." Jordan stepped on the tip of her toes and kissed James on the lips. "Be safe." Jordan whispered, then she apparated to the Zabini's

Lyra had transferred all of her belongings back to London when her due date approached, so she would be closer to Jordan, but also back under the same roof as her parents. When Jordan arrived, Mrs. Zabini quickly ushered her to the room where Lyra was giving birth.

"There are complications with the baby, Miss Zabini. Your son is not in the right position to give birth at the moment. We will need to move him around or it will kill the both of you." The healer spoke, once Jordan-Ella was in the room.

Reaching for Jordan's hand, Lyra gave permission to the healer to do whatever he needed to save both of their lives. Lyra gripped Jordan's hand tightly and looked up at her with fear written all over her face. "Jo, I don't know what to do."

Jordan kneeled down so she was eye level with Lyra. She brushed some hair out of her face and gave her a soft smile. "Everything will be alright, okay? Just do what the healer says."

The healer exchanged a fearful glance with Jordan-Ella. The both of them knew this would not be an easy birth and if both of the mother and son survived, it would be a miracle. They needed a miracle.

At Helena Hollow, Sterling Greengrass fought for his life alongside Cyrus Avery. Mad-Eye Moody was chasing them with every spell he could cast. Cyrus finally found a moment to breathe and looked at Sterling. "Be a good father to her child, Greengrass."

Sterling stared at Cyrus wide-eyed. "What do you mean?"

Cyrus sighed. "Lyra's with child and I know the both of you saw each other right before she found out. It's either mine or yours, but in the end it's truly hers. Be a good father to her child. Be a good man to them both."

"What are you going to do?" Sterling asked.

Cyrus looked out from their hiding spot and saw the battles happening in front of them. "The opposite of what is expected of me. Goodbye, Sterling."

Everything happened too fast for Sterling to see what was happening. Cyrus ran from their hiding spot and stepped in front of two killing curses that were intended for Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. He made a sacrifice no deatheater would ever make.

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