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It Worked


After spending an hour sobbing in Regulus' arms, Jordan-Ella pulled herself away from him and said she had to return home. She was a wife and mother after all and her family needs her. "When do you want to tell Evan?"

Regulus ran his hand through his hair. "I will tell him when I arrive home. He said from the start that he did not need some fancy way of being told. He just wants to know." There was a pause. "When will you tell James? How will you tell him?"

Jordan-Ella stood from her chair and the front door slowly opened, revealing Lily and Marlene. "With Harry I was hiding it from him and he finally got it out of me. I think I will tell him it was successful and leave it at that. He does not want to hear much about it anyway."

There was silence again. Regulus stood and nodded towards Lily and Marlene and left their flat without speaking another word to Jordan. After speaking with Lily and allowing her to do some tests, Jordan apparated back to Potter Manor. There were many thoughts and fears that filled her head as she walked towards the front door.

When she opened the door, she saw the door to the parlor was open and she peeked her head inside. James was sitting by the fire with Harry in his arms and was reading him a story. Jordan smiled to herself and quietly walked over to the couch to sit down beside the two of them.

James' face lit up when he saw Jordan and then he looked down at Harry. "Look Hazza, your mumma is home." Jordan leaned down and kissed Harry on top of the head. "James, there is something I need to tell you."

"It worked?" James replied almost immediately. "You're carrying their child?"

Jordan nodded in response. James looked down to her stomach and then back at her face. "How far along would that put you?"

"Almost two months. That's why I went to Lily's. To make sure I was right. She ran some tests and there is only one baby. The due date is August 1st next year."

James' eyes widened. "Wow. The day after Harry turns one and our three year wedding anniversary. Do the boys know?"

Jordan froze for a moment, but quickly responded. "Regulus does. I asked Marlene to owl him to come to their flat and I told him when he arrived. He said he would tell Evan when he got home. Apparently Evan just needed the one sentence of I'm with child and he was fine."

James reached towards the table in front of him with Harry still in his arms. He picked up a small piece of parchment and handed it to me. "They forgot to mention they were sending out wedding invitations. New Year's Eve wedding. To mark two years of engagement."

He handed the invitation to Jordan. "These came today?" She asked and James nodded. "I did not even know they had picked a day yet and now they're sending out the invitations five days before the wedding. What are we supposed to get them?"

"Umm, your gift can be the child you are carrying for them for the next seven months." James stated. "We can get them something for the baby shower. Return the favor and give them a Gryffindor pride flag since they gave us a Slytherin one."

Jordan glared at her husband. "You married a Slytherin, you idiot. I think the flag looks wonderful in Harry's room next to the pictures of Barty and Sterling." Jordan looked at her son and played with his little hand. "I hope he doesn't lose any more uncles and aunts in this war. Just in case something happens to-"

"Don't finish that sentence." James said quietly. "I don't even want to think of him living without one of us or even both of us."

Jordan bit her lip and scooted closer to James. She wrapped her arm around his and laid her head on his shoulder. "Okay, I won't. Change of subject, but I've been owling Lyra and Blaise took his first steps the other week. He's been saying 'mumma' as well. She did mention that Marc and Belle haven't been around in a while."

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