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The last day


Lyra sat in front of me, while I stared at her in disbelief. The words that left her mouth made me want to react in two ways: Slap her and ask her a million questions or calmly ask her a million questions and support her. Either way I was going to ask a million questions

"What do you mean you're doing to the ball with Sterling? Lyra, my dear, there are more boys in the world than just Sterling. Find a nice Hufflepuff to go with." I begged.

Lyra shrugged her shoulders. "I don't see the harm. We have to marry when school finishes anyway. Might as well be comfortable around each other again."

I wanted to slap her in hopes some sense would be knocked into her. "Lyra! Sterling and you do not have to marry! Your life is your own! Your parents do not care about arrangements! Why do you think Bryce is free?"

Scooting closer to her on the bench, I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "You are not his. Please, stop acting like you are still under his control. I don't care what Tom says, Sterling and you will not marry. I won't allow it."

"Belle's been put into an arranged marriage with Marc Avery. One of the crazed Avery twins that graduated with Bryce. It's either Sterling or the other Avery twin. What would you rather me do?" Lyra snapped. "Do you know how crazy the Avery twins are? They have killed the most muggles and muggleborns."

I glared at Lyra. "Yes, I know how crazy they are. Need I remind you that they are my cousins? Their father is my mother's brother. Marc and Cyrus were never raised around us, but I do know what they are capable of because of what their father was capable of. My dear Uncle Cassius Avery was the right hand man to Tom during his Hogwarts years."

Gripping Lyra's hand, I softened my look towards her. "Listen to me, you have control over your life. I can't stop you from going to the ball with Sterling, but be careful. He's lied to you so many times that you even admitted you don't know the truth. I don't want you to stay with him because you think that love is supposed to be that way. Trust me it's not."

Lyra laid her head on my shoulder. "I just need to find my James Potter." We both chuckle. "Seriously, Jo, the universe has gifted you a rare boy like James Potter. You've been gifted with the best there is. Only some can wish for a love like you two have."

As Lyra finished her sentence, the Marauders came sprinting down the corridor and two seconds after they were in our sight, we heard a small explosion go off. I released my grip on Lyra and stood up and walked to the middle of the corridor.

The four boys halted themselves as I was in their way. James forced a smile, while I crossed my arms and waited for an explanation. "Well, whose idea was it to commit a prank the week before our NEWT testing? James, was it you?"

Peter looked at his feet. "It was my idea. I've never had any prank ideas and the boys liked the idea, so we thought it would be a fun one before testing. I'm sorry, Jo-Ella."

My heart broke as Peter looked so disappointed in himself. His bright smile full of joy had disappeared. As Head Girl, I should have turned them in. But as their friend and the one who took care of Peter as if he was my son, I decided to let them off the hook and enjoy their last prank together. Well, hopefully their last prank.

"Run along, you four. Minnie is probably on her way right now." The four boys began to run off, giving me a look of thankfulness.

Stopping himself, James turned back to me. "Thank you for letting us off the hook. Are we still hosting the study group in our common room tonight? Merlin knows we all need to study."

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