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Starting the clean up


"You need to keep your values in mind when coming to a decision." Narcissa reminded me as we spoke through our magic mirrors. "If you are not happy in the relationship you choose, then there is no point in being in it."

Lucius walked behind Narcissa and looked closer at the mirror. "Hello, Jordan. How is school so far? Still top of your class I hope." Lucius asked with a smile.

I nodded. "Yes! Top of my class and Head Girl as well. Just like Mother and Father had planned for me. Slughorn told me that if I keep my grades up, I could go into the French Ministry earlier than I plan!"

Narcissa raised her brow. "French Ministry? You want to move to France? I thought we had discussed you staying in Britain. Being around the remains of our family. Lucius and I agreed to make Evan and you the Godparents of our children."

This was a touchy subject with Narcissa. She had already lost both of her sisters and they weren't even dead. She didn't want to lose anymore family, but I was a Rosier. I had a job in France I had to take control of.

"Cissy, the will stated that I was to take over in the French Ministry. I would train under the minister, then eventually become the potions teacher at Beauxbatons. It was left behind for me to control. Evan was left behind the Britain Estates. I have nothing here." I explained.

Narcissa took a deep breathe, before saying another word. "Lucius please leave the room. I need to speak to her alone." Narcissa waited for Lucius to leave and casted a spell on the room. "Tell me you are not thinking of going to France because of Vinda Rosier."

I kept my mouth shut because I knew my silence would say enough. Narcissa swirled her tongue around in her mouth and sighed. "I know Andromeda told you the truth about our grandparents. Jordan-Ella, you do not need to see her or go find him. He's locked away for a reason."

"But, Narcissa, I need answers. Evan and I both do. This is a power he injected inside of us. He escaped for one night just to do this to us. Clearly he had a reason if he didn't do it to his own children. He choose us for a reason." I tried to reason.

The look on Narcissa's face showed only disappointment. "You sound just like her. You sound just like Bellatrix trying to reason with me to join her and Tom Riddle. Please, give up. You don't have a gift, Jo. It's a curse from him. You were not meant to be a savior, but a weapon. Leave it be."

Narcissa's face disappeared the glass reappeared. I wasn't going to follow Grindelwald or set him free. I just wanted answers. His journals told us nothing about why he chose Evan and I. He just wrote about what he injected us with. I needed to know more.

As I held onto the mirror, the glass turned into Evan's face. "I hate how this thing works! Ahh, Jo-Ella! Are you up to going and practicing at the edge of the grounds. Regulus is practicing quidditch and Barty is probably off killing innocent muggles."

"Don't say stuff like that, Evan." I scolded him. "Yes, I will meet you down in the courtyard then we can head towards the grounds. I just need to tell James and make sure all of my reports are done."

Evan rolled his eyes. "My sister, the Head Girl. Jordan-Ella, you do not need to tell James or anyone before going to do something. Just because the two of you share a tower doesn't mean you owe it to him tell him everything."

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" I asked as I was looking for better clothes to train in.

"Nothing." Evan snapped. "Hurry up. I don't want Snape following me like the creep he is. I swear to Merlin he could make a living being a spy."

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