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A Choice Within The Mess


"What's wrong with you? It looks like you've seen a ghost and I don't see any around." Jordan asked Evan, as he was staring off into the distance as they sat in the courtyard. Jordan knew what that face meant. "Are you having second thoughts about Regulus?"

Evan crossed his arms and turned towards his sister. "When were you going to tell me that Barty was in love with me? I spoke to Lily like you suggested me to and she told me, but what I learned is that everyone knew, but me. Regulus even knew."

Jordan's mouth stood ajar. "Evan-" She trailed. "I didn't think it would matter. We all heard it and we wanted to contain it before it got to you. We were worried that it could make you second guess everything with Regulus. Are you having second thoughts because of Barty?"

"I don't know." Evan stated. "Regulus didn't show any emotion when I asked him about the matter. He just shrugged and said he thought that it didn't matter. I was with him. I wouldn't call it second thoughts because I love Regulus. I know I am in love with him. It has just struck something inside of me knowing that Barty felt something for me. I had always thought I was the used one in the relationship."

Gripping Evan's hand, Jordan gave him an assuring smile. "Well, if you are sure of your feelings for Regulus, then I say you have nothing to worry about. Barty might feel something for you, but if he hasn't acted on it, then that's good. He knows his boundaries. Come, let's go eat breakfast before it's all gone."

The two sat up from the bench they were seated at and headed towards the Great Hall. Jordan was hungry, but she really wanted to make sure the Marauders were okay. The full moon was last night and James never returned to his dorm this morning. He was normally back around five.

Jordan's eye drifted to the Gryffindor table only to find one Marauder. Peter. He looked tired and like he could use a month's worth of sleep, as he spoke to Marlene, Lily, and Mary. Jordan resisted every urge to ask him where the others were. They had to be fine.

Sitting in the seat between Dorcas and Lyra, Jordan didn't utter a word as she filled her plate with food. She wanted to eat as quickly as possible so she could go check on the boys. She just needed to make sure they were alright.

"Jo, calm down. Is everything alright? I can hear your heart pounding over all the chatter." Lyra asked.

Jordan-Ella was about to respond, when she saw Peter turn around so his head was between Evan and Regulus' shoulders. "Jordan, something terrible happened last night." He lowered his voice and spoke to Regulus on the matter.

Regulus' eyes widened and for the boy who showed no emotion, he panicked. Regulus quickly stood up and looked at Jordan. "We need to go. Peter's right. Something terrible happened."

Jordan followed Regulus out of the Great Hall and towards the infirmary. "What happened? What did Peter tell you? Regulus, please speak to me!"

"I should have never told him he was dead to me. He's my brother. How could I wish that?" Regulus spoke to himself. "Jo-Ella, there was another werewolf in the forest last night. Attacked the three of them. Only Peter was able to escape."

Feeling a wrench in her gut, Jordan instantly wanted to sob thinking about the three being injured. Her heart sank when she saw them lying in the hospital beds all bandaged up. Remus was the only one yet to wake up.

Regulus slowly walked towards his brother. "First you run away without telling me, then you try to go get yourself killed before we could even try to be brothers again." Regulus sniffed, trying to stop himself from shedding even one tear. "You've got a bloody death wish, I swear to Merlin."

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