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Growing Up


From the moment they entered the common room, James' hands had not left Jordan-Ella's body. Currently, they had still not made it to either of their beds and Jordan-Ella was pinned against the wall and James was undoing the back of her dress while placing love bites all over the top of her chest.

James successfully got ahold of the zipper and pulled it down. The straps of the dress fell off of Jordan's shoulder and James continued to kiss her neck as he pushed the straps further down her shoulders. They pulled apart for the dress to fall to the ground and once James' eyes saw Jordan's bare body in front of him, he became hungry for her.

He pushed himself against her, causing the wall that Jordan's back was against to shake. Jordan ran her fingers through James' hair as their lips fought for dominance. When she felt James deepen the kiss and win the little fight, she pulled at his dark curls.

James' hands ran from Jordan's face, to her thighs and tapped them. "Jump" was the only word to leave his mouth and Jordan did as told. He caught her and had a firm hold on her thighs, while her legs were wrapped around him.

Pushing the door to his dorm open, he walked straight to his bed and laid Jordan down on the mattress. He quickly drew his wand and casted a silencing and locking charm on the door. As soon as his wand was out of his hand, Jordan was on her knees and wrapped one of her arms around James' neck and used her other hand to release all the buttons on his shirt.

"Are you sure about this?" James asked, as he pulled away from Jordan. Both of them gasping for air.

Jordan smiled. "Yes." She leaned closer and whispered in his ear. "I want you to do your worst to me, James Potter. I want to see everything you've been holding back on."

James didn't want to waste anymore time with her. He crawled on top of her and took his tie that was thrown on the bed and tied it around her wrists. His desires were running through his head so fast, he couldn't decide which ones he wanted to let Jordan experience.

Jordan felt her breath hitch when James placed kisses from the top of her head, to her chest, to her stomach, and between her legs. She tried to reach for something to grab, but due to her hands being tied together, she could not. James saw her urge to grip onto something and lifted his hands, so their fingers could intertwine. He wasn't a monster.

Quiet moans filled the room as James grew frustrated that Jordan kept moving around. James used his free hand to smack her left thigh "Quit moving, Jordan." He grunted. "God, you taste so good."

Jordan responded by throwing her legs over James' shoulder to help gain some control of her movements, but also so James' face would be closer to her. She was reaching her high and honestly felt some relief, but James locked eyes with her. He knew she was close, but wouldn't say it. He pulled away from her and Jordan groaned.

James crawled back to kiss Jordan, while his hand still kept her hands above her head. The kisses the couple normally shared were passionate. The shags the couple normally shared were love. Tonight James Potter was doing more than loving Jordan. He was fucking her.

He wasn't even inside of her and Jordan was clawing at James' back. James pulled back from their kiss, so the both of them could breathe. He ran his eyes up and down Jordan's body, but his eyes stopped on the diamond necklace on her neck. The diamond necklace. "I fucking love that necklace."

James dove and started to kiss Jordan aggressively again. From her lips to her neck he would whisper things to her. "I love you." He grunted. "I love you, I love fucking you, I love this necklace, I love my life with you."

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