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Different types of pain


Regulus had figured it out.

Now, he had me hiding behind a bush with him spying on Evan and Barty. The two boys were determined to get the secret out of my little brother, no matter the cost. They wanted to know what was occupying his mind lately.

I sighed as I moved a branch out of my face, "Why don't we ask him what is going on with him? You know, like normal and civil people? It's what friends do."

Regulus rolled his eyes, "When have we ever been normal? Besides, I told you what was up. He fancies a girl. I know he does. I just want to know why he is so ashamed to say something. When has Evan ever been ashamed?"

"When he lit a girls bed on fire for not finishing his homework." I bluntly said.

"Not the point." Regulus said putting his hand in my face, "He's been dreaming of someone. I can tell. Bellatrix has been teaching me to read and block minds. I've tried reading Evan's, but he's blocking out everyone. He never blocks me out!"

I moved back from the bush and sat on the ground, "What do you think he could be hiding. Maybe he likes someone, but isn't ready to share. Regulus, you can't force it out of him. Evan is a private kid."

Regulus scoffed, "Secrets get you killed, Jordan. They eat at you and eventually you can't handle it anymore. I don't want him to go through that. Clearly this is a different type of crush, if he isn't giddy over it. This one is different and I want to be there for him."

As I was going to responde, Barty ran over to our bush, "He knows you two are over here. He wants to speak to Jordan, alone. Regulus, you and I will be heading back to the common room."

"But that's not fair! It was my plan to spy on him!" Regulus complained.

I stood to my feet and pushed Regulus to the corridor, "Go back to the common room and don't try to leave. Like I said, you can't force it out of him. If he's willing to tell me, then that's a start. Let him talk about it on his own."

Regulus rolled his eyes and walked away with Barty. I pulled my coat tighter and walked towards the bench, where Evan was sitting. Once I reached him, he took my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction the boys went.

We didn't stop walking until we were in a empty corridor and sat in a window seat. I knew this had to be something serious, since he wouldn't even tell Regulus about it. He didn't even want to be outside when he talked about it.

Evan played with his hands for a moment, before taking a deep breath and looking me in the eyes, "I fancy a girl. I fancy a Gryffindor girl."

A smile came across my face, "That's wonderful, Evan! What's her name? Do I know her? Can I meet-"

"She's not pureblood, Jordan." Evan cut me off.

All the dots connected when he finished his sentence. That is why he acted so ashamed. He was ashamed. Evan Rosier, pureblood Slytherin, fancied a non-pureblood Gryffindor. The nightmare for all pureblood parents.

I scooted closer to him and he laid his head on my shoulder, "That is who I was looking at during the quidditch game. It's who been on my mind since we returned to school. Jordan, I'm scared."

"Evan, there is nothing to be scared of. So what if she isn't a pureblood? If she is someone you want to be with, fuck the pureblood rules. Andromeda is living a happier life, than Bellatrix or Narcissa. Cissy, even loves her husband, but she's not happy. Andy is happy because she escaped." I explained to Evan.

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