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I was sitting in DADA with Gryffindor awaiting for the professor to allow me to see my boggart. She thought it would be fun to compare our third year fears, to our fears now. Sad thing was, she didn't know what happened when we did this in third year.

"Miss Rosier, would you please read aloud your third year boggart and what you changed it into." Professor Lakens asked me.

Looking out of the corner of my eye, I saw Belle and Lyra look at the professor as if she had used an unforgivable curse. Dumbledore had made it clear on my file, what happened in third year. It was almost as bad as me cursing the professor in fourth year.

I put on a fake smile and looked up at the professor, "My third year boggart was nothing. When it came my turn, the boggart disappeared. Dumbledore told me I that I was not scared of anything."

Professor Lakens' smile dropped, "My dear, I don't exactly know what that means, but let us see if it has changed. Maybe, the boggart was broken when it came to you."

She stepped out of the way to allow me to walk up to the boggart. She released it and when it got out of it's cage, it turned into the Rosier family tree. Another name was being added to the tree next to mine.

My face dropped when it all clicked for me. I wasn't burned off the wall, so that meant I had married pure. I carried on the line for another pureblood family. What broke me, was when I looked at Evan's name, he was marked dead.

The boggart changed into Evan, but he was lying on the ground. His body was colorless and he wasn't breathing. He was dead.

My wand started to shake, as I tried to change the boggart into something funny, but my eyes were burning from the tears. I couldn't focus. The boggart kept changing into different people I cared about, but they were all dead.

Professor Lakens put the boggart away, but I was still frozen in the middle of the classroom. Lyra and Belle pulled me out of the classroom, and sat me on a nearby bench. I would much rather have the same boggart as I did in third year.


"You can't ignore what happened today, Jordan! Are you ever going to talk about it?" Lyra asked as I was pacing around the room getting ready for the Gryffindor party.

I opened my trunk again, "Have either of you two seen my black pumps? I like the red ones with this dress, but the black ones are shorter and better for dancing." I asked sticking my head in my trunk.

Belle and Lyra exchanged a look, before Belle pulled me out of the trunk and Lyra sat on top of it, "You don't have to speak about it today, but at least tell us are you okay. I don't want you getting wasted at a party to ignore all your problems."

"Oh no, you figured out my plan!" I dramatically grasped, "What else would I do at party? You know why I drink and smoke so much, anyway. Sorry, I don't please my Mum and Dad like you two and are happy marrying purebloods."

Lyra gave me a little glare, and I relaxed under Belle's hold, "Look, today was a bad day. We figured out I'm scared of people dying, so what? Isn't everyone? It's normal."

"Jordan-Ella, is it normal to be scared of marrying a pureblood?" Lyra asked me, "It that normal? I think being scared of marriage or being nervous is one thing, but to a pureblood specifically? I've never heard of a pureblood being scared of marrying another pureblood."

I stood up and decided to stick with my red pumps, because I wasn't going to fight with the girls. "I'm going to go enjoy a night with my other friends, who will listen to me when I say I'm actually fine. Yes, I am scared of marrying pure, because then I have to keep that for my children as well. I don't want that for my future children, so I don't want to marry pure, unless it is one who sees the same as me. See you in the morning, ladies."

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