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Truth Spills


In April, Evan turned eighteen and James and I gifted him a new broom for his birthday. We went to watch him play with the new broom and after the game he engulfed us in a warm and loving hug. He separately hugged James for a while and my heart warmed. We were not much older than Evan, but we were loving and providing for him as parents should.

Lyra still had not written to me. If there was anyone who knew where Lyra was, it would be Bryce. That's why I left my husband and his friends home alone while I travelled to Rome. I needed to know what happened to my best friend.

Bryce answered the door after I knocked five times. His smile dropped and he could not look at me. "Mrs. Potter-"

"Don't you dare be formal with me, Bryce." I snapped. "Where is she?" No response. "Bryce, please. She is my best friend and there is a war going on. I must know she is alright."

Bryce sighed. "Come inside. There is much to be discussed before you see her." Bryce led me inside and into the small office right beside the front door. He locked the door and silenced the room. "Lyra has made a huge mistake in her eyes. Bigger than anything she has ever done before."

He led me to the small couch and we sat down. "I know she went to Belle's wedding with Sterling and left with my cousin, Cyrus. Is that what she is so ashamed about?"

Bryce shook his head. "That's part of it, but that does not even cover the damage caused. As you know my parents do not care about who we married, but preferred purebloods. Lyra had Sterling and Cyrus ready to marry her, but both had made choices that put her life at risk. Cyrus, though, seemed far more willing to protect Lyra than Sterling was. He did what Lyra always wanted. Lyra wanted someone who would let the world burn for her and Cyrus promised her that, so she picked him."

"She always said she would pick the villain over the hero because the hero chooses the world, while the villain chooses the one they love." I whispered to myself.

Clearing his throat, Byrce nodded. "Correct, but she was still in love with Sterling. Lyra married Cyrus in November. She was kept hidden away and their marriage was a secret from the Dark Lord. Cyrus actually cares for her. She met with Sterling to tell him the news, but they ended up shagging. About a week after her last visit with Sterling, on March 22nd she found out she was pregnant and does not know who the father is. Healer said she's due in December."

"It does not matter who the father is." I turned around to see Lyra had gotten through the door and heard us. "I do not have the power to figure it out and it would be a scandal for this information to get to Cyrus. He's my husband and so he will be the father to my child. Our child."

"What if your child comes out looking like Sterling? Cyrus and Sterling are complete opposites in every feature possible, might I add." I respond

"Well then I guess it's a good thing that Sterling and I are the same race, so if the baby is his, I can use myself as an excuse." She responded quickly. "I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark, but I am doing this for the baby. The less people that know, the better."

I nodded and stood up to hug Lyra. "I understand. Do you have any names picked out?"

Lyra's saddened face turned into a smile. "I do. We have family traditions to keep, so if it is a girl, then Lorenza. If it is a boy, Blaise." Her smile dropped a little. "Depending on the state of my life when the baby is born, will depend on the last name, but it will most likely be Zabini."

I lowered myself to be directly in front of Lyra's stomach. "I hope you're a boy. Blaise Zabini sounds like the perfect name." I sat up. "Will you be staying in Rome for all of your term?"

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