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The best advice we give is the advice we can't take for ourselves


Looking at the mirror in front of me, I wanted to scream. My skin was still badly bruised and scarred. Makeup covered everything, but it only covered it for so long. I hated everything about my body, but mostly the unwanted scars.

Belle entered the bathroom with a light knock, "Are you ready for breakfast? Lyra is in the common room talking to the younger boys." She looked at me through the mirror, "Jo, it's going to be alright."

In her mind, everything for me would be alright. I was set up to hopefully marry her brother, Theodore Nott. While he was a respectable man, I didn't like the things he had brought into his life. He had too much of an influence on Evan, like Bellatrix did on Regulus.

Belle came over and took the makeup out of my hands. She covered my bruises for me and gave me a smile, "I saw you talking to the Marauders in the library the other day. What was that all about?"

I waited for her to finish, then I walked back into the dorm to finish getting dressed, "It wasn't anything important. I was invited to the party they are having this weekend. It's the last weekend, before quidditch tryouts. James Potter invited me."

"It's good that it was a pureblood actually talking to you, but he is a blood-traitor." Belle said as she sat on her bed.

Giving her a glare, I tucked my shirt into my skirt, "You know I don't care about those things. If I did, then I wouldn't have these bruises and scars on my body and before you say anything about marrying your brother, I'm not going too. You should know me better than that, Belle."

Belle picked up her book bag, "I know how you feel, but it's hard for me to see it the same way. We were raised to focus on their blood status, not their personality. Andromeda was used as an example of what we shouldn't be."

I paused for a minute, not wanting to say the wrong thing and cause a fight. She had a good point about how we were raised. Father was very clear about not being like Andromeda, but I couldn't help, but want to be like her.

"At least Andromeda lives a happy life with a happy husband and child. She's not in pain or regretting a marriage. She's happy. That's all I want to be." I said, before turning to look at Belle.

She sighed and led the way down the stairs, "We both know purebloods never end up happy, unless they leave their family and create a new one. Narcissa and Lucius aren't even fully happy."

As we reached the common room, I saw all the boys lying around on the couches and Lyra looking bored as she talked to them, except for one. Whenever Sterling was talking, she was fully engaged, but when it switched to anyone else, she didn't care. She would never admit it though.

Evan sat up from the couch and looked at me, "Ahh, good morning, sister. Was your sleep full of evil plans and ways to destroy the world, or was it just me?"

"Just you, Evan. It's only ever you." I laughed.

Having a little brother is a pain. Evan and I are exactly eleven months apart in age, I being born on March 11th, 1960 and him being born on April 11th, 1961. Our parents were disappointed when they had a girl as their first-born, so as soon as they could have another they did.

Growing up as a child with Evan as my little brother was something that it was hard to find words to explain. We were best friends, but also each other's worst enemy at the same time. We were each other's protectors, while also being each other's bullies. If anything happened to him, I would never forgive myself for not keeping him safe.

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