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Paris: The city of love


As we rolled up our sleeves, there was a loud gasp heard around the office followed by the questions we still want to know ourselves. "What is it?"

Remus pulled up Evan and Regulus, while Marlene helped me up. James pushed Sirius off the couch he had to himself and we were placed down on it. All three of us groaned from the pain we still felt all over our bodies.

"We don't know what really happened. We were told he wanted to see us for the gifts we hold. I read Barty's mind when he told us this. He was not lying, which means Tom kept information from them. Lucius, Bellatrix, and Theodore were there. We were locked in a room with all of them. Tortured and abused. He tried to drink mine and Jordan's blood." Evan explained while Lily attended to his wounds.

Dumbledore fell back onto a chair that he placed in front of us. "He was trying to become like you. He wants to bend the elements to his will. He wants to train you, so you can control more. He wants you to control everything you touch."

Regulus sat up, while I still lied there staring at the ceiling. "Drinking their blood didn't work and he got angry. That is why he did this. After he left Theodore Nott continued to curse and abuse us. We could barely apparate here."

I took my eyes away from the ceiling when I felt a hand on my cheek. Remus was kneeled down before me and creasing my cheek. He used his other hand to get a potion out of his pocket and pour some down my throat. He continued to do the same to Evan and Regulus.

Andromeda was still crying into Ted's chest when I finally spoke. "We quit." The whole room was once again silent. Even the crying stopped. "We cannot do this anymore. This war is not one teenagers should be fighting. I can not continue my mission and my brothers will not continue their's."

James walked forward. "Lily, Sirius, will you take them to Jordan's dorm in our tower and get them changed. Remus, Peter, Marlene, and I will scout around the corridors before you and make sure that the deatheaters aren't waiting for them."

Lily walked over and threw my shoulder around her neck, while Sirius did the same to Evan and Regulus. All I remember is Lily helping me and Evan change, Sirius helping Regulus, Lily using a charm to make my bed bigger, then us being left alone to sleep.

I also remember everyone joining us in my dorm in the middle of the night. I woke up to two other beds in the dorm containing the Marauders, Lily, Marlene, and Dorcas. Everyone left when Evan woke up and yelled at all of them to get out.

The three of us got ready to the best of our ability. Lyra brought the boys' trunks to my room and we departed from Dumbledore's office back to Rosier Manor. I called for a nurse from St. Mungo's. We were to stay hidden until the pureblood ball.


"The guards are still at all of their posts, correct? I don't want anyone in here that wasn't invited. I barely even want your husband here." I asked, while Narcissa was helping zip up my long, black dress.

She finished zipping it up, before she responded. "You and I both don't want him here, but I'm stuck with him. I will eventually have to bear a child with him as well." Narcissa backed away from me. "I hate what he has done to this family. I hate him."

Her eyes drifted to the snake tattoo on my arm. It constantly was slithering around my arm, but never left my arm. It burned with every inch it moved. The same as my scars from that night when they hit hot water. Always burning and causing me to scream.

I took my wand off of the bed and casted a charm over the snake to hide it. I clasped the necklace from last year's pureblood ball around my neck and looked in the mirror one last time. No one had seen us three since the night that we received this branding. I prayed to Merlin that James and Sirius would accept my invitation. Or at least one of them would.

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