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James' spiral 

Sirius Black

Lily had an amazing birthday in her eyes. She was spoiled with lavish gifts, spent time around people who she loved and people who loved her back, and she finally got James Potter around her little finger. It was like her dreams came true.

They came true, while others were crushed. Jordan-Ella never returned to the party. She wasn't even seen with Evan that night. They both went missing for the night. They've been quiet since January 30th as well.

According to Marlene, Jordan has not been coming to help in the library and doesn't speak to either of them. She's becoming more distant the past month than she was when we returned. Moony thought I didn't notice. I did.

I knew what she was feeling for the most part. A feeling of regret for leaving behind the younger brother. As the older sibling you are supposed to be their protector. A protector is not supposed to leave.

James seemed happy, but not joyful. There's a difference. Happiness is mere moments. Joy is forever. Lily brought James happiness, but did not make him joyful. Or that's at least how it looked to me.

Remus was searching for the answer. He had informed me that he knew of what happened over the holidays. He was shocked, but he said he saw it coming. He said James looked at Jordan with a need. A need to make him feel something Lily could never give him. A fair chance of love.

Did I think my best mate was in love with Jordan-Ella Rosier? I do not have the answer, yet. Do I think that Jordan had to feel something for James to run off after hearing he was in a relationship.

Bloody hell yes.

Whether she wished she did not feel anything, I could tell Jordan-Ella felt something for James Potter. The difference was, she the one girl to catch James attention that was not Lily Evans. She was special to James. She was so special to James.

"Sirius, leave it be. James is in a relationship with Lily. Jordan would not be upset about that." Remus scolded me as we walked among the other students in the corridors.

I opened my mouth to response, but the sight in courtyard caught my eye. I saw James and Peter with their wands drawn and pointed at a group of Slytherins. Jordan-Ella will not be happy about this.

Remus and I shared a look, before we walked out to see who the Slytherins were. Regulus and Evan stood their with their wands drawn as well. Jordan-Ella will most definitely not be happy about this.

I stormed over to James and pulled on his shoulder, "You will start a war we can not come back from. James, be the smart one for once. You can not start this. Not with them."

Locking eyes with Regulus, I could see the pain in his eyes. He knew the same thing I knew. If James tried to hex or jink them, they would fight back. A war would start between the houses. A war that would cost us the good in our lives right now.

Evan looked at me, then at James and Peter. "Don't do this, Potter. I would love to dual with you, but I'm thinking of my sister. This would break her. James, if you start this you will loose her. She's not going to choose your side in this war. Be smart and back down."

Remus pulled Peter away from the fight and took his wand. He walked over to James and pulled on his other shoulder. "Whatever this is about, I'm sure it's not wroth it. Not worth losing Jordan. It's her brother, James. Her little brother. We can not piss her off."

James escaped our grasped, but stopped in his tracks. I looked over to see Jordan-Ella with her wand pointed at his chest. Her eyes showed anger and her breathing was heavy. "Step away from my brothers, James. Get yourself together."

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