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During May James and I fully moved into Potter Manor. We had the Marauders help us move in and even let them choose their own room to stay in. Once Marlene and Lily heard about what we allow them to do, they wanted to have their own room as well. Regulus set me a owl two days later requesting a room for Evan and him that has a balcony

James blocked the front door with his arms crossed. "I forbid you from visiting that house! What if all of Tom's followers are there and it's another trap. Jordan, I will not allow it."

I was the one to cross my arms now. "James, Narcissa would not invite me over with deatheaters at her house. They all reside at Bella's house, not Malfoy Manor. She is family. I'm going to see her."

Moving away from the door, James allowed me out of the house, but stopped me before I got too far out. "Be careful, please. I know that Cissy is your family, but the man she married is the reason you three of you have that fake branding on your arms. He may have not tortured you, but he watched it happen."

"Lucius does not scare me, James. This conversation with them has been long awaited. Besides, he won't do anything with the other members there." I assured James.

James released his grip on my wrist. "Who else will be there?"

"Well," I began. "The Malfoys, Cissy's parents, and Walburga and Orion."

"Does Sirius or Regulus know that you are going to speak with their parents?" James asked quietly.

I shook my head. "No, but it does not matter. Walburga signed over guardianship of Regulus to me and Sirius is a free man. This is merely a conversation of Estates and what will happen with all of that money." James raised his brow, wanting me to explain further. "Basically all of the family money will somehow find its way to our children's laps, so that needs to be settled. I married a pureblood, so none of my funds will be cut off."

James nodded, then pressed a kiss on my forehead. "I will be home late tonight. It's a full moon, so the boys might end up crashing here once the sun is up."

"Okay, wake me up when they come in and I will help with Remus. I love you."

I stepped outside the door of Potter Manor and apparated to Malfoy Manor. The dark colors and evil aura around the house allowed me to know that I was at the right place. I swished my wand and the gates opened, allowing me to pass the peacocks and walk to the front door.

Walburga and Orion were in the foyer when I walked in. I had not seen them since the pureblood ball of my sixth year. They had not changed one bit. Still holding up a proper posture and cruel attitude.

"Mrs. Potter." Orion greeted.

I gave him a nod and turned to his wife. "Where is your brother and his wife? Where is your niece and her husband? I do not have much time to waste."

The sound of heels clicking against the marble floor drew my attention to the parlor. Narcissa and Druella were walking out with Lucius and Cygnus behind them. I had not seen any of them, besides Druella, since before I was married.

Narcissa gleamed. "I am happy that you made it today. Walburga, Orion, you as well. Please, we were discussing the plans in the parlor. Join us."

The three of us joined the other four in the parlor. I sat in a chair by myself, while the couples found a couch to sit on that faced me. Lucius had barely spared me even a glance. He either hates me for being a Potter or feels guilty.

Cygnus pulled out his pack of cigarettes and began to smoke. "So, Jordan-Ella, tell me about the married life with James Potter. If I remember correctly, his parents were well respected aurors and Fleamont was an avid inventor. How are the elder Potters?"

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