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*Everyone, a little commotion for the Rosier siblings!*



"Tell me the truth, Andromeda. Now. Who is this in the picture?" I gritted through my teeth.

We stood in the middle of the tiny sitting room in her cottage. Tears filler her eyes as she was caught in hiding more things from me. I wanted the truth for once from her. No more lies.

Andromeda took a tiny gulp. "It's our grandmother, Vinda Rosier. She had had your father and my mother. The other man in the picture does not matter."

"Yes, it does!" I yelled. "Do not lie to me. I have seen him before. I have seen his eyes before. They are evil. Who the hell is he Andromeda?"

My cousin retreated backwards as I yelled at her. Fear. She was scared. She knew something I didn't know. She knew something I needed to know.

Andromeda played with the wedding ring on her hand. "Ted does not know this and I want to keep it this way. It was easy to hid because I don't look like a Rosier. I took after father, but it became clear when Narcissa was born. His genes still run through us and now onto Evan and you. Mostly you."

She walked back to the bookshelf where I found the hidden picture and pulled out one of the shelves. It was hollow inside and she had papers hidden inside of it. She pulled the papers out and handed them to me.

The words on the paper didn't seem real. It was impossible. There was no way that this was possible. Vinda Rosier would have never done this.

"You're lying." I said, finally meeting Andromeda's eyes.

"I'm not." She stated while her voice broke. "Vinda was pregnant, but never told the public the father. These are her diary pages. Our parents, twins Drake and Druella Rosier, are the only children of Grindelwald. We are Grindelwald's grandchildren."

I clutched the papers in my hands as I fell back onto the couch, "That's why Dumbledore has a interest in us. He knew Grindelwald. They had a blood pact." I looked up at Andromeda as she was sitting beside me. "That's why the Dark Lord wants us to join him."

"Drake takes after Grindelwald in so many ways, but Druella doesn't as much. Vinda gave them the Rosier last name for safety reasons. Mother told me all of this before I ran away. Bella and Cissy don't know. She said she was thankful that Bella and I took after the Black family. Cissy took after the Rosier family, but not as much. Evan and you though, you two look almost exactly like him." Andromeda explained.

As I focused on the floor in front of me, Andromeda spoke again. "That is where you get your anger from, Jordan. That is why so many people want to marry Evan and you. They don't care about the heirs that came from Druella because she is a women. They want the kids from the heir of Grindelwald, not an heiress."

"Do you know why he would do that with Vinda? Was she really that special of a witch that he didn't try to kill our parents before they were born?" I asked.

Andromeda let out a little chuckle. "Think of it this way. The Rosier family is the most powerful french pureblood family in the whole Wizarding World. They control France with their hands. They helped build Beauxbatons. Grindelwald saw it as more power. I might have some Rosier in me, but I was not born one as Evan and you are. You are worth more than even Bellatrix in this Dark Lord's eyes. You also carry the Rosier beauty, Jordan."

Standing up from the couch, my heart started to race. "I am Grindelwald's granddaughter. I have his blood running through my veins. My soul is filled with his. I thought it was bad enough being related to the Averys, but now being a Grindelwald as well. Sirius, was right."

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