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The party that changed it all

3rd Person

Peter had never been one to speak up on a matter concerning his friends and their love lives. Today, he knew he should say something. He watched as his three best mates were all waiting for the same girl, with the same reason in heart.

The thing was James Potter didn't know Sirius and Remus had started to feel for Jordan-Ella. But Peter knew. He always knew.

Wrong Direction - Hailee Steinfeld

Peter's heart broke for his three friends, mainly James Potter, when he saw Jordan-Ella walking hand-in-hand with Barty Crouch Jr. He saw the smile on his friends faces drop when they saw the girl smiling with him.

James knew that Jordan had her mission to complete, but he found it hard to believe she was acting with Barty, but he still prayed to Merlin that she was acting and didn't feel even an ounce of feeling for him. He ached to be with her.

Sirius Black balled his fist as he was angry with himself, not with Jordan. He left her even after she asked him not to leave. She asked for him not to be like the rest and he broke her. It was his fault that he wasn't the one she was smiling with.

Remus Lupin was speechless, but kept his emotions controlled. His newly found feelings were something he had not expressed onto anyone. No one knew how he felt, so he couldn't go have a therapy session with someone about his problem. He was falling in love with someone who his best friends loved.

Jordan-Ella Rosier had all of the Marauders wrapped around her fingers, but Peter was the only one who didn't fall in love with her. He was the smart one with this situation. Remus, Sirius, and James were completely mesmerized by Jordan-Ella.

"Mates." Peter called causing them to look away from Jordan. "We better get on the train now. Would hate for Order members not even make it to school."

James nodded and turned over his shoulder to see Barty helping Jordan onto the train. He had never wanted to pinch himself off the Astronomy tower, until now. She was too good at acting.

Lily and Marlene watched as Jordan passed them as she walked towards the Slytherin compartment. She seemed at home with all of her old friends. She seemed happy and full of joy. Both girls were confused.

All four of the Marauders rode in the train without a word to one another. Peter just wanted to snap and say "What did you expect to happen? She had a mission!", but he could not. But he wished he could.

At the other end of the train, Jordan and Evan Rosier were miserable. They knew that they had to act because of the life they lived growing up. They were good at acting like they had it all together, when they didn't. Evan wanted to be near Lily and Jordan just wanted to be away from Barty. She didn't want to be near anyone, but all eyes were on her.

Jordan had seen the look at James' face. She wished to go and pull him into an embrace and tell him everything would work out in the end, but she couldn't. She wished she could feel Sirius close to her one more time, but she couldn't. She wished she had not read Remus' mind as she held Barty's hand. She wished she could change it all.

But she couldn't all because Dumbledore was in charge of her life now. He was the puppet master and she was his main puppet. She was attached with unbreakable strings.

Jordan shook away her depressing thoughts and got back into character. She would break tonight in the head boy and girl's tower, but until then she could not drop her evil act for one second.

It wasn't the fact that she hated being with Barty. She hated being with him and using him for her mission. Their friendship was over either way, but now it would be harder. He had been almost kind to her since they got together about a month ago.

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