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More alike than we think


January ended and February slipped into our lives. Lily turned eighteen and while I wish we celebrated together, we did not. It was not that we were not together, but we spent the whole day watching Evan and Alastor Moody during their trial. Evan was granted permission by Barty Crouch Sr. to cast a curse on Alastor as a repayment.

Evan took out a portion of Alastor's nose and his left eye. Dumbledore gave him the nickname "Mad-Eye Moody" and everyone began to call him that. The look on Evan's face was priceless when he realized the damage he had caused.

After that day, we hardly spoke to one another. Evan and Regulus stayed near Lyra and I, while the Marauders stuck with each other as well. We had not rejoined the Order, but Dumbledore was becoming desperate. He had no one to train the other members.

He had become so desperate, he sent Professor McGonagall to speak to me during transfiguration. "Miss Rosier, that leaf looks wonderful as a teacup." I put my wand down on the table and stared at the professor. "He won't stop asking. None of us knew that such things would have happened to you three."

"Minnie, I don't blame any of you. It was our choice to go and follow through with our mission. We were beaten and went through an unexplainable experience. Our friends, the deatheaters, I can see it on their faces. They do not want this." I whispered.

Professor McGonagall nodded. "Well, help if always offered as Hogwarts for those-"

"For those who ask." I finished for her. "What if some of us are too scared to ask? It is right in front of the both of you that these kids need help, but you will not offer it because of what color their robes are. The three of us are perfectly fine not being in your little army of child soldiers."

The time for class had ended as McGonagall walked away from me. I gathered my books and Lyra stood there watching me. "Still won't let it go will she?" I nodded and I heard her sigh. "I saw a letter in your dorm this morning, while you were having your meetings with the prefects. I recognized the owl. Either Walburga has the guts to owl you or Sirius owled you using the family owl he stole."

She pulled the letter out of her bag and handed it to me. "I was going to give it to you during breakfast, but since you decided to go back to the dorm and eat I didn't get to. I promise I didn't read it, but whatever ink he used, I could see some words through the parchment. There is no room for anger with a war going on."

I shoved it in my bag and huffed. "I'm not angry with him. I was disappointed in him and how he just shoved his brother's feelings aside and only cared for his own. In some cases girls would love that, but Regulus and Evan deserve everything together." I looked down the corridor as we exited the classroom. "Just look at them." Lyra turned towards the direction I was looking in.

Regulus and Evan were sitting on a window seat facing each other. Their smiles were as bright as ever as they talked with one another. Evan held Regulus' hand in his and rubbed his thumb over Regulus' hand. Regulus' other hand had cupped Evan's cheek. It wasn't puppy love. It was pure love. Evan Rosier and Regulus Black had fallen in love.

"And just to think that just a few months ago Evan was trying to drown Regulus in the prefect's bathroom." Lyra said, while letting out a chuckle. "Sirius Black couldn't ruin them and you know that. Only one person in this entire world could ruin Evan and Regulus."

My smile fell. "I thought we agreed that Snape had heard wrong. Whatever he heard that night I'm sure it's not true now."

Lyra crossed her arms. "We both read his mind. You might have erased his memory before, but didn't erase his memory of this. He heard Barty and Sterling the night you three never returned to the dorms after meeting You-Know-Who. Barty wasn't in love with Regulus because he is in love with Evan!"

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