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"I am not a deer, I am a stag!" James yelled.

I scratched my chin, "Oh, so you are a moose?"

James' eyes widen with anger, before Sirius pulled him back, "Control yourself, mate. Don't want to rip off her head, now do we? Ella, how about you just say want James wants to hear and we will get this over with."

"Fine." I sighed, "James, I bet you are the most beautiful deer there is! I bet you are strong and have amazing antlers. Now, Sirius, control your animals, please!"

Sirius broke into a laughing fit, while James was fumming with anger, "I am a stag! I beautiful stag with amazing stag antlers! Not a deer, not a moose, a stag!"

Remus came over with the cake in one hand, and used his other to pat James' back, "Alright, mate, let us calm down, before you do kill her. It would be tragic for Jordan to die on Sirius' birthday."

Peter came down the stairs with a lighter in his hand and lit the candles on the cake. Sirius' eyes lit up as he saw everyone get ready to sing to him. It made me wonder if he had ever gotten this as a child. A normal birthday.

Lily used her muggle camera to take photos of Sirius blowing out the candles and Marlene was using a wizards camera. The smile on Sirius' face was different then his infamous smirk. This smile showed joy, instead of lust. 

That damn smile.

While we all ate the cake the house elves had prepared for us, I noticed a difference between Lily and James. They were talking, but instead of James showing joy as he spoke to her, it was like he was speaking to any one else. He spoke to her as he was speaking to a friend.

"Oi, Ella!" Sirius called to get my attention, "I heard our brothers in an argument the past few days. Something about Evan hiding something from Regulus. Do you know what they are fighting about?"

Peter smiled, "The boys are fighting!" We all turned our heads and glared at him. Peter raised his hands in surrender, "Alright, I'm sorry."

I used my fork and played around with the little bit of cake I had left, "I'm shocked Regulus doesn't know, yet. Evan has opened up to me about many things. My dear little brother fancies a Gryffindor girl."

Remus raised his brow, "What's so wrong with that?"

"The house isn't the problem for him. He's never been one to hate someone for their house and he's been better about judging for blood status. The problem is the girl isn't a pureblood. He didn't say if she was a half-blood or muggleborn, but he's torn up about everything." I explained.

Sirius' face fell, "A pureblood parents worst nightmare. It's one thing when they see you as a blood-traitor for being friends, but fancying someone who isn't pureblood is worse in their eyes. They can't brainwash love away."

Lily looked at me with an apologetic look, "I don't know how the pureblood life works, but if it's how Sirius and you explain, I feel horrible for Evan. You have only select people who can choose to be with, while you might love someone who isn't in the circle. That is bloody messed up if you ask me."

"I know Regulus is just trying to be a good friend to him and wants to help him, but I've told him this is a matter no one can help except Evan. He is the only one who can make the right choice." I said putting my plate on the side table.

Remus looked at me for a moment, "What is the right choice in your eyes, Jordan? Aren't you set to marry Theodore Nott? What do you want to do and what do you want your brother to do?"

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