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What do you want?

3rd Person

Sirius Black craved Jordan-Ella Rosier. He craved her like he did a firewhiskey after a smoke. He tried not to crave her, but his mind was always thinking of her. Well, and Remus Lupin.

While Jordan-Ella had her own love square, Sirius had himself a love triangle between a boy he hurt almost two years ago and a girl he thought he would always hate. He had a strong feeling that if Jordan didn't know who she wanted and he didn't know who he wanted, they simply wouldn't choose each other. He hated that feeling though.

He stayed up every night tossing and turning because of the boy who he shared a dorm with and the girl who shared a dorm with his best mate. He didn't know if Jordan and James spent every night together, but that was another thing he had a strong feeling about.

Jordan-Ella on the other hand decided to wait until she was free from Barty to even think about which Marauder she loved. Who said she had to choose by a certain time? She had other things to worry about. She would be meeting Tom Riddle in two weeks.

Due to the set meeting, Dumbledore ordered a lot of training from younger and older members. The three Slytherins loved testing the Gryffindors bravery. It sparked something inside of them.

"Regulus and Remus duel next. Right now, Lily and I duel." Jordan-Ella called out looking at the parchment she had in her hand. She closed the parchment roll and met Lily's eyes. "This is going to be so much fun."

"Oi, Jo! No harmful element magic or wishes. She's not someone we have to kill." Evan called out coming back from the duel he just beat Peter in. "Hang in there little buddy. Your time will come." Evan said to Peter messing up his hair.

Remus leaned closer to James and Sirius. "Does it not scare you? Jordan, Regulus, and Evan have all beaten us. It was all close, but they ended up tricking us and winning. Marlene is still mending to her arm Regulus cursed."

"It's how they work." Andromeda spoke out as she over heard Remus speaking to James and Sirius. "It's how all Slytherins work. Good and bad. It's why we are who we are. We think with our head and are not impulse. We use parts of brains that are skilled unlike any other. I might also remind you that Evan and Jordan are Grindelwald's grandchildren. It runs in their veins to be better. Regulus trains with them so much he's basically turning into them."

James listened to Sirius' older cousin, while watching Jordan and Lily begin their duel. "She could kill her right now if she wanted too. Both of them could kill us all with a snap of their fingers."

Andromeda watched the two girls dueling. It was calm, which meant Jordan was waiting for Lily's weak moment to break her. "But we are still alive. That is what matters. Don't fear them, but don't get too brave. They love, but they can learn to love to kill as well. That trait happens to run on both sides of their family."

It became silent between the two girls, which scared everyone. Both out of breath, but Jordan had one last breath to give. She made eye-contact with Lily and all everyone heard was a snap. Lily fell to the ground and clutched her leg.

Evan ran to Jordan and shook her out of what seemed to be a form of a daze. Jordan came back together with her thoughts and then everyone heard another snap. Lily's leg was back to normal and Regulus walked over to start a healing spell.

"I said no harmful element spells or wishes. Breaking her leg falls in that category." Evan snapped.

The room fell silent again as Jordan-Ella looked up to her younger brother. "It just happened okay. Need I remind you that there is a lot building up within me and so sometimes I just snap! Or in this case snap someone else."

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