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Order of the Phoenix


The Slytherin Common Room was my favorite place to be. I'm not saying that because I am a Slytherin, but because it was perfectly built to fit those who are Slytherins. It might be cold, but we all secretly love cuddling up in blankets. I love sitting in the window seat and watching all the creatures from  the Black Lake swim by.

Some saw our common room as a punishment. We are in the dungeons, but it fits us. We are all enjoy it. It brings us peace after hot quidditch matches. It allows us to have the best parties, because none of the professors can hear us. It also allows us to so far away from the rest of the castle, we are able to escape their judgment.

Evan and Regulus came from detention in the library, when that little peace inside of me started to panic. Evan jumped onto my couch and laid his head on my lap. He did this often, since we did it so much growing up. He would come to me crying after our mother cursed him and I would clean up any scars, while he feel asleep in my lap.

Barty, Sterling, and Snape were being quiet and that's saying a lot for Barty. Lyra and Belle were to busy playing wizards chess to notice what I saw. Sterling's sleeve was rising on his left forearm. The end of the mark I saw in the sky many times was branded on his arm.

Snape and Barty's left forearm showed the same mark. My heart broke. My heart broke because they had already picked sides. There was no coming back for them.

I took Evan's arm and lifted up his sleeves slowly. My heart was pieced back together to see his arms weren't branded. Regulus was in a short sleeve, so I didn't have to worry about him. I knew he was clean.

Evan looked up at me, but I put a finger over my lip. I eyed their wrist and Evan turned to see what I was looking at. I saw the confusion on his face disappear as anger replaced it. "I wish they would start burning."

The three boys pulled their sleeves down and I saw them bit their lips in pain. Evan and I exchanged a look with each other, before we looked away. I caught Regulus looking at me with his eyebrow raised. I shrugged and kept on playing with Evan's hair.


Sitting in potions class, I thought of the mark I saw on Barty's arm. I wished so badly that he would pick the other side, but he didn't. He picked the wrong side. I just hoped he wouldn't drag my brothers with him.

Belle stayed back from today's classes because her cramps were too much for her. It was just Lyra and I at our little potions table. Lily and Marlene had yet to join us again, since Lily and James started dating.

"Lyra, I need to ask you something." I said, as I stirred the potion. "Do you know about Sterling? You were the one to tell us about what would happen at the ball. Has he told you anything?"

I watched as Lyra's face dropped and she stopped moving. "I know what he is. Bryce does as well. Bryce was the one to tell me. I can't leave him. He would know that I know his secret. I can't leave him without reasoning that doesn't deal with him being a deatheater. According to Snape sleep talking again, Sterling is well loved by The Dark Lord. He's one of the best."

Professor Slughorn dismissed class, before I could respond. I gathered my things together and joined Lyra on her walk to the Great Hall. I wrapped my arm around her's and rested my head on her shoulder. We both felt betrayal and disappointment.

As we sat down at the Slytherin table, Lyra scoffed. "None of them can even show up to meal anymore. They can't even fake it anymore! It's the least we deserve. It's because of kids like them that we have the reputation of being the evil house. I just wanted us to prove everyone wrong."

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