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Unwanted Changes


Evan Rosier watched from the balcony as his brother-in-law entered his house. "Welcome, James. Regulus is away with Jordan at her appointment for the baby. We have been summoned to speak about something. That is why I asked you to leave Harry with Remus."

James had his eyes trained on Evan as he descended down the stairs to the foyer. Evan shoved his hands in his pockets as he reached James. "We have a mission request from Dumbledore that is in a few hours. He is in the dining room waiting to meet with us. He said he needs a Slytherin who won't stop until they win and Gryffindor who will make sacrifices if needed."

"It's Harry's birthday." James whispered. "It's my son's first birthday and my wife gives birth to your baby tomorrow, if not tonight. Evan, why did you allow him here?"

Evan stared at James for what seemed like forever. "Regulus will get the venom tonight and destroy the horcrux at Harry's party. Jordan wants Tom and Peter both dead before the baby is born. If we are there when it happens, we can kill him. Lucius owled me and said it is visible every time another one is destroyed. We will know when it has been done."

James started back at Evan in disbelief. "You have gone behind all of their backs and made a plan of your own?" James paused. "What does Dumbledore want from us?"

"Sacrifice. To start a war within the war. If we somehow are caught during his mission, then he knows that Jordan and Regulus will not stop until everyone that is a deatheater is dead. They won't take anymore losses in their lives. He wants to start a fire in the souls of the most dangerous Order members he has." Evan explained.

"What's his cover up story?" James asked.

Evan smirked. "Allow us to go and see. I am sure that he will turn it around for us to be begging him for something." James nodded and the two boys walked into the dining room. Evan held his head high and locked eyes with Dumbledore. "I don't like you in my home, so what do you want from us?"

Dumbledore folded his hands over his stomach. "I have received word that Peter Pettigrew is the rat in the Order. Track him and bring him in for questioning. Please, don't kill him just yet."

James stood next to Evan without a smile on his face. "What will you give us in return for being your snatchers? My son's birthday is today and I will not miss his birthday for this."

"Mister Potter, what more could you need? A powerful wife and child who will grow up with great power growing inside him. He is Grindelwald's great-grandson-"

"I know who my son is!" James snapped. "I asked what you will give us. Evan and I. What will we get out of this?"

Dumbledore held his lips together and shook his head. "I didn't want to have to do this, but I have to. If you two do not do this for me, I will make sure Jordan and Regulus' affair is exposed. As well as sending the two of them and you, Mister Rosier, to Azkaban for the mark on your arm. Fake or not."

Evan gritted his teeth. "You would not dare try to go against us. We are Rosiers. We own you."

"How will the French Ministry feel when two of their leaders are deatheaters?" Dumbledore asked. Evan's face dropped and Dumbledore chuckled. "That's what I thought. Do this mission and gain your freedom because right now you are mine."

The two boys looked at each other and then back at Dumbledore, before nodding their heads. Dumbledore smirked and gave them more information on the mission, before sending them on their way. But, as they walked out, Evan looked over his shoulder. "If something happens, she will know it was you."

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