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The room remained silent, until Remus handed Harry to Lily so he could go up stairs to receive Jordan's hospital bag. Regulus broke away from Sirius when Jordan let out a scream of pain and he saw her knees grow weak. He rushed behind her and held her up to stand.

Regulus turned Jordan around so she could face him. "I'm here. Look at me." Jordan tried to make eye contact with Regulus through the tears that filled her eyes. "I'm here and right now this baby needs you. Okay?"

Jordan-Ella nodded her head and Remus returned from upstairs with the hospital bag. He handed it off to Regulus and assured him that he would watch over Harry while they were gone. Regulus thanked Remus and gripped Jordan tightly as they apparated to St.Mungo's.

As they reached the hospital, Regulus looked at Jordan-Ella and saw all the color had drained from her face. His eyes traveled down to the floor and saw blood that had trickled down her leg like it did when she went into labor with Harry. Regulus felt his insides shake as he screamed, begging for someone to help.

The healers rushed towards Jordan-Ella and took her out of Regulus' arms leaving him feeling empty. One healer looked at Regulus and held him back from following Jordan-Ella into the delivery room. "Sir, I need your names? Are you the father?"

Regulus' heart from his chest. "I am Regulus Black." He replied, knowing that his name had not been legally changed or announced. "The mother in labor, that is Jordan-Ella Rosier. Yes, I am the father."

The healer had a strange look on his face. "Rosier? I thought she married James Potter. She was here a year ago giving birth to their son. How are you-"

Regulus shoved the healer against the nearest wall. "I am the father of that baby! Now, let me go see Jordan and be there for her as she gives birth!"

Releasing the healer, Regulus followed him to the room where Jordan was placed. Her screams filled the room and broke what was left of Regulus' heart. He slowly walked to her side and reached for her hand.

Jordan gasped when she saw Regulus and gripped his hand in return. "I don't know if I can do this, Regulus." Tears streamed down Jordan's face. "How can I do this without them?"

"You are a Rosier. You are brave and strong. You can do this because you are doing this for them." Regulus rasped out. "Hold my hand and I will be here every step of the way."

The healer quickly set up for Jordan to give birth, but her face dropped when she was able to see where the blood was coming from. She called for her assistant and then stood up. "Miss Rosier, we cannot wait any longer or the baby will not make it. We have to deliver the baby now without any potions to help you."

Jordan and Regulus exchanged a quick look with each other, before Jordan screamed in pain, causing Regulus to wince. Jordan's grip on Regulus' hand tightened as she pushed and her body filled with pain. She cried, but she did not know if the tears were from labor or mourning her brother and husband.

The world changed days when they heard the baby cry. The healer assistant took the baby from the head healer and cleaned it up, before passing it to Regulus. He cradled the little baby in his arms and felt a smile creep onto his lips.

"Jo," Regulus croaked, as he approached her with the baby in his arms. "We created a girl. I-We have a daughter."

Jordan opened her arms and took the baby girl from Regulus. Her small little coos warmed the pieces Jordan's broken heart. "She is not mine. Regulus she is your-"

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