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The start of a mess


My sobs got louder and louder as I packed my belongs. After I packed my things at Malfoy Manor, Bryce apparated Lyra and I to Rosier Manor, for me to pack my other belongings. I wouldn't return home ever again. I would never be trapped here again.

I raced down the stairs to the foyer and looked around my childhood home. The hidden door that led to the cellar where I was tortured. The family portrait of me holding baby Evan. The sad painting of Dad, Mum, Evan, and I with no expression on our faces.

Bryce pulled my hand for me to face him, "Lyra and I won't tell a soul. We promise. Just come back to our house, before the next term starts. If anyone ask any questions, remember you were with us the whole time. Mum and Dad will be on bored, I promise."

Lyra pulled me into a hug, "You will be free after tonight. We will handle everything else. We all know that Belle and Sterling saw this coming."

"Lyra, you have to lie to Belle and Sterling, until I can explain myself at Hogwarts. I don't know why I'm asking you to do this. You shouldn't have to do this." I sobbed.

Lyra cupped my face with her hands, "I don't care. Jordan, your well-being matters more to me right now, and your parents are not treating you well. Bryce will be there for Evan and Regulus when the news breaks. Just promise me you won't return here. Promise me."

I nodded and Lyra pulled me into a warm embrace. I quickly dried my tears and turned to Bryce, "I need to see Evan and Regulus, before I leave. I need to be the one to tell them."

He nodded and grabbed my hand to apparate me back to Malfoy Manor. We landed on a balcony and Bryce told me he would go fetch the boys. My hands shook with nerves as I waited for them to come outside. Lyra flashed me a small smile to comfort me.

Evan and Regulus came outside with a complex look on their faces. Regulus' face was the first to change after seeing me upset. He had been through this before. He knew what was happening.

Regulus didn't say anything to me, but pulled me into a hug. His big arms wrapped around my tiny body and he tucked his head into the crook of my neck. I broke even more when I heard him start to whimper.

"It's okay, Jo. Go be free. I won't say anything. You deserve to get away from this. More than any of us." He finally said.

He pulled away and my eyes met Evan's. He stood back for a moment, "You're leaving, aren't you?" I nodded and he started to tear up, "I understand, big sister. You know why I understand."

I took a look at both boys, "Listen to me, if you ever, and I mean ever need to leave, come to Andromeda's. She will welcome you with open arms. Promise me if you need to leave, you will."

Regulus took my hand and looked me in the eye, "My brother's bravery is rubbing off on you. We have always believed different, Jordan. We still believe the same as every person in there, despite who we might fancy. We are pureblood men-"

Evan cut Regulus off, "But if we ever change our minds, we will go to Andromeda just as you are. I am not angry. I am happy that you are doing whatever makes you happy, even if we can't be together during the holidays anymore."

I pulled Evan into a hug, "I will make a way for us to see each other every holiday. We will spend every moment together at Hogwarts, and you can come see me at Lyra's during summers or Christmas. I'm not official leaving until after Hogwarts, but I won't spend a lot of time here. I just can't marry Theodore."

We all froze when we hard voice from the inside. I hugged both boys again and kissed their cheeks, "Be brave for me, be strong for me, and mostly learn to really love for me. See you in a few weeks."

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