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Stupid. She thought we were stupid.

Well, maybe the other three, but I was not. I knew something was wrong. I knew something was wrong with her. I knew something was wrong with her and I needed to know what it was.

Not only was I smarter than my three other friends, but I thought about things on a deeper level. I was able to see Jordan in a different way than they were able too. I was able to tell when she was hiding something.

Peter's plate being smacked onto the table pulled me out of my daze. I turned to my right side to see him filling his plate with all of the breakfast food options we had. I was prepared to smack anyone who said anything about him eating so much.

No one should ever say anything about how much anyones eat. You never know what's going on with them.

James and Sirius were across from us with their backs to the Slytherin table. Jordan sat on the side close to the wall, so I was able to watch her. She held her head high, but her eyes didn't show any sight of happiness or joy. She looked empty as she did before I got to know her.

Sirius filled his cup with juice and looked at me with a curious face. "Moons, what are you looking at? You seem focused. Deeply focused."

Peter and James looked up from their plates and looked at me as well. Their eyes drifted to were my were and James quickly turned back around. His reaction didn't go unnoticed. Lily Evans saw every second of it.

"She's dealing with something. They both are. Evan looks just as empty." Peter piped up. "Did you ever noticed Jordan's eyes? They are different colors. It's wicked!"

I noticed Sirius look closer at Jordan. He was examining her. Looking for something that she held within her. He turned back around and started to play with his food. "I'm sure it's nothing. Maybe a little sad after running away. You know, leaving her brother behind."

Marlene leaned closer to the four of us. "Who all knows of her leaving? I know Evan, Regulus, and the Zabini siblings do, but do her other friends know?"

"I don't think so." James spoke. "When she arrived at my house she seemed so shaken up. She kept saying things of her friends finding out. She was worried to death. It broke her to leave them all in behind and in the dark."

My attention was drawn to James. She had went to his house that night, but Sirius told me he didn't return home until the next day. James and Jordan were in the house by themselves. Jordan went to James' room to pack her things.

James' eyes met mine and he froze. He knew he had been caught. "James, what else happened that night. Did you two just talk it all out and go to sleep?"

He gulped, before putting on a fake smile. "Exactly like that. I calmed her down, then showed her the guest room. The room where she slept that night. Across the hall. Away from my room."

Sirius let out a little snort, but covered it with a cough. He knew. Sirius Black knew that James Potter and Jordan-Ella Rosier shagged. James and Jordan had shagged. That's why they won't look at each other.

Oh, Lily Evans, is a fool for James Potter how he was once a fool for her.



"Yes, we shagged."

Remus followed me to the astronomy tower. He repeatedly told me that we had to speak, but I was not sure of what. Now, here we were smoking, drinking, and spilling secrets. The truth was finally rolling off of my tongue.

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