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Throwing Firewhiskey


The weeks blurred together after the Gryffindor party. The boys, mainly James, tried to speak to me, but I wasn't willing to allow myself in that situation again. I wasn't going to put myself in a group where someone hates every inch of me.

It was easy to ignore the boys. I had no interaction with them before giving James and Remus advice. I was simply back to being seen as the prejudice pureblood queen. The rumor was I was trying to get James and Sirius to become "real purebloods".

Belle and Lyra were easy to talk too, but it always turned back to blood status. Lyra didn't come from the twenty-eight, but she was pureblood. Her family wasn't strict about marriage, but she wasn't seen as a blood-traitor since she was mainly friends with purebloods.

Belle came from one of the most well-know pureblood families. It's the Nott family that is credited for creating the sacred twenty-eight. She was conflicted in the inside about what to do, but she was never brave enough to tell her parents she wanted to fall in love. Her parents told her she would fall in love with her husband eventually.

Lily and Marlene still kept in contact with me. We all worked in the library together, so we couldn't avoid one another, but it became easy when they never asked me about what happened. They didn't get into business that wasn't theirs.

That is how I wished today could have gone. I was placing a few returned books on the shelf, when I heard a few voices whisper back and fourth. It was very easy to pick out who the voices belonged to, because they were very bad at whispering.

"But, Moony her smile doesn't just like up the sun, but the moon as well! Why are you telling me to give up? You never told me to give up on Lily, but when it comes to Jordan, I must give up getting our friend back, why?" James whispered-yelled.

Remus scoffed, "James, we knew her for two weeks. We were becoming friends with her, before the women-fucking prick, decided to ruin that. Sirius, you are so prejudice against purebloods, while you are one!"

I heard Peter lean against the shelf and sigh, "We aren't ever going to get her back, are we? She was so kind to us. She was the first kind Slytheirn I had ever met, besides Andromeda."

Peeking between the books, I saw Sirius roll his eyes, "We don't need her back. You can't get back what you never had. Jordan was just some passing by friend for you three. She would eventually leave anyway. At least I knew that."

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I quickly turned around to see Lily hold a few books, "I know it isn't any of my business or my concern, but if it helps to know, James went back after he found you and yelled at Sirius for what he did. I hadn't seen James so upset by something."

"He shouldn't be upset." I stated, "Sirius has a good point. We barely knew each other. You can't lose what you didn't have, and I for sure didn't have their friendship."

Lily let out a little sigh, "For what it's worth, James isn't as bad as he seems. I find him annoying, but that's because he never leaves me alone. I've seen him with his friends. He's only ever himself with them. Remus and Peter are the same. Sirius just has a hard time with everyone."

I gave Lily a small smile, "I don't think that right now is the best time to be making new friends. I just need more time away from them. A month without speaking to them isn't long enough for me."

"If a month isn't long enough, then you had to care a lot, Jordan." Lily said quietly, "Even the start of a friendship with them, had to mean something."

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