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Visits in Paris

Third Person

Both of the Rosier siblings woke up in the arms of someone the morning after the pureblood ball. Evan woke up with Regulus' hair in his face. He couldn't believe the situation he was in. He was happy with his choice.

Jordan woke up with her head on James' chest. Their body's on top of each other with not even clothing between them. Jordan couldn't believe the situation she was in. She wasn't happy with her choices. Not when it messed up the choice she already had to make.

The ringing of the doorbell that sounded throughout the whole house is what broke the Rosier siblings away from their lovers. Both of them put on a robe and undergarments and made their way to the front door. Once they opened their bedroom doors, they saw each other.

"I guess you told Regulus." Jordan asked her younger brother as they descended down the stairs.

"I did. I guess you picked James? I never saw him leave last night and those love marks look like the last ones he left on you." Evan replied.

Jordan stopped before she opened the door. "I wish I had made a choice, but now I feel guilty, even though I shouldn't. Ever since Marlene said something about James having more points than Remus and Sirius, I couldn't help, but feel bad for them. Do they even have a fair chance?"

Evan put his hand on his older sister's shoulder. "You have nothing to feel guilty about. You are a free woman who can shag whoever she wants whenever she wants. You have nothing holding you back from making your choice now."

The doorbell rang again, pulling the siblings out of their conversation. Evan was the one to open the door and almost shut it as quickly as he opened it. He turned to Jordan. "It's our grandmother!"

"Grandmother Avery?"

Evan shook his head. "No, Vinda. Vinda Rosier is at our door." Evan's eyes widened as he realized his mistake. "I just shut the door on Vinda Rosier." He quickly opened the door to reveal Vinda at the door way.

Vinda wore a black hat and black blazer with a matching pencil skirt. She smiled as she looked her grandchildren in the eyes. "Hello, my loves. It's wonderful to formally meet you both. May I come in?"

Jordan and Evan nodded, allowing Vinda to walk into the Manor. She looked around in awe. "I remember gifting this house to your father as a wedding present. He was supposed to raise you in this house and in France, but I guess plans change."

"Please, have a seat in the parlor. I will go ask the house elves to prepare breakfast and some tea." Evan offered, quickly getting away from his grandmother.

Vinda smiled and followed Jordan into the parlor. Vinda looked around at the picture of the Rosier family that sat on the mantle of the fireplace. "I wish he would have allowed me to be a part of your lives. I could have helped your brother and you with your little curse from your grandfather."

Jordan gulped as she sat down. "You know about the injection?"

"Of course I do, dear. Who do you think told him to pick your brother and you over Druella's daughter?" Vinda laughed. Evan returned with tea, as Vinda took a seat. "I loved both of my children, but Drake was the heir. He held more promise than Druella. Even with him dead, he still held more promise. Druella couldn't even bear an heir for Cygnus. Drake though, he and Eve had the perfect kids. An heir and heiress. That's why I picked you."

Evan sat down beside me after fixing his own tea. "So you have favorites? Why did our father hold more promise than Druella? He didn't seem too special to us."

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