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Third Person

James Potter was conflicted with the situation in front of him. Sirius Black was talking about other girls and Remus Lupin was completely fine. He didn't show any sight of pain or remorse in him. He had changed over the summer.

"Moony, what's gotten into you?" Peter asked while spreading jam on his bread, "You hardly wrote any of us and when we returned, you seem different."

Remus' happy look on his face didn't fade as Peter asked him the question, "Well, after Sirius' horrid mistake, I had realized a lot. I was angry and pained that he would do such a thing to me, but after a talk with James I realized that I must forgive him at some point and move on. James wrote me a very mature letter over the summer."

Sirius let out a snort, "James and mature in the same sentence doesn't make any sense. I am happy for your forgiveness, Moons, but James when did you get so wise? When we were last here you were begging for Remus to forgive me after two weeks of him not speaking to me."

James looked up from his plate, knowing that he had to tell the truth, but that would cause a fit. All of his advice came from a Slytherin, not to mention the Slytherin Sirius hated the most in the world. James still didn't understand why Sirius hated her so much.

"Umm, Jordan Rosier talked to me about it." James said quickly, before he saw Sirius spit his drink out.

"HER?" Sirius screamed, "You took advice from her of all people. Prongs, I thought we agreed we all hated her. She's-" Sirius paused, "She's Jordan Rosier!"

As if Sirius could summon people, Jordan Rosier walked into the Great Hall. Her blonde hair was tightly curled, and her blue eyes showed so much emptiness. Her best friend, Isabelle Nott walked beside her with her dark brown hair curled as well, but her brown eyes just showed how tired she was.

Jordan Ella Rosier was the first daughter of Drake Rosier. The Rosiers were known for being one of the few pureblood families to come from France, but also their beauty. There had not been one Rosier born without the piercing blue eyes they all had.

Remus had always known who Jordan Rosier was. Who didn't? She was the nice Slytherin, but still thought purebloods were superior. She didn't judge anyone on their blood, though. She didn't talk much about her views besides, "I must marry pure to keep the lines going."

Her younger brother, Evan Rosier, was much more open about his views. He thought you had to be pureblood to even seem important. He was cruel and unfair to anyone who wasn't a pureblood. He was the typical pureblood boy.

Sirius hated the Rosier family for a few reasons. His aunt, Druella, was a Rosier. Her brother, Drake, was the father to Jordan and Evan, making the two of them cousins to the Black sisters. He hated their pureblood ways, their Slytherin style, but he mostly hated how Regulus clung to Jordan more than he did to Sirius.

James always thought the same about Jordan, because of Sirius. Sirius didn't like Jordan, so James didn't. James had started to change his mind after the talk he had with Jordan. She didn't seem as bad as Sirius was making her out to be.

The eldest Black brother watched as Jordan was greeted by Evan and Regulus. Jealousy ran through his veins as he saw Regulus, the boy who hated hugs, hugged Jordan. He wanted to call them filthy purebloods, but he remembered he was a pureblood.

"She's such a poison." Sirius gritted through his teeth, "James, I don't know why you would take advice from her. Why would she even give you advice and how did she know everything?"

Peter kept watching Jordan as she sat down, "If she's a poison, she's a pretty poison."

James couldn't hold back his snicker as Sirius glared at Peter, "Jordan overheard Remus and I in the corridor one day. She heard about the shack from Snape. You forget that they are friends and in the same house, Padfoot. Jordan doesn't know details, but she's smart. She would piece everything together if we allowed her too."

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