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James Potter

I watched her. I watched her every moment she was with him. I reminded myself that it was an act to get his secrets, but I didn't realize it would take this long to get him to confess something. I mean it was Jordan-Ella. She could make anyone confess their sins to her with one look.

Barty was treating her good and that is what I hated the most. He walked her to every class and picked her up from classes. He was always there was she needed a lighter for her cigarette. He was there for her in the ways I wished I could be.

I would be lying to say I was concerned. He was there for her as if he was trying to get something out of her as well. Jordan shared in a Order meeting that she had the same suspicion. Dumbledore just told her to be on watch.

"The least we can do is act as if we are happy for her." Lily stated as he were eating lunch. "She's not being cheated on in a fake relationship and as far as we know she hasn't cheated. She's not miserable with him."

Peter exchanged a quick glance with Remus. Sirius saw it too then looked at me. I shrugged and shoved more food into my mouth, before rising from my seat. "Padfoot, lets go. We have quidditch practice in fifteen minutes and we need to let our food settle first."

Sirius began to stand up, but Marlene pulled him down. "Listen to me, you three." She snapped looking at Sirius, Remus, and I. "It's obvious that you all have a thing for Jordan and her being with Barty bothers you. It bothers all of us because it could put her in danger. Instead of ignoring it, do what Dumbledore asked. Complete your mission. Jordan, Evan, and Regulus seem to be the only ones to be completing their missions."

She let go of Sirius and we both walked away without another word. Sirius didn't speak to me until we reached the Gryffindor changing rooms. "Prongs, I feel like I need to know something. Have Jordan and you-"

"No." I quickly replied. "We shared a tower not a bed. I've haven't shared my opinion on you two shagging because I thought it wasn't any of my business. Pads, you know how I felt for her and you still shagged her. Jordan can be with whoever she wants. She doesn't owe me anything. But you are my best friends, you owe loyalty. You were supposed to help me get the girl not take her from me."

Sirius opened his quidditch locker and froze. "Then what do you call Remus' actions? It's clear that he did something with her in that tower! He jumps every time you say her name. Almost like they did something!"

I replayed Sirius' words in my head. "Sirius, are you getting mad at me or are you mad at Jordan and Remus? Are you jealous because you want Jordan or because you want Remus back? Is that why you hated her? Because she was close with Remus?"

He stayed silent and I knew I had caught him. "You fancy them both and the thought of them being together kills you. You don't know who you want, but all you know is that you don't want them together. You want them both happy, but not with each other."

"Do you blame me?" Sirius asked. "I love Remus and of course I will always want him back! I never intended to fall for Jordan, either! Now, I have the fear that I won't have either of them!"

I walked closer to Sirius as he took a seat on the bench in front of the lockers. "Well, you can't be with Jordan and always want Remus back. The same way Jordan has to make a choice, you do as well. You shouldn't fight for the girl, when you want the boy. I had to figure out which girl I wanted and I did, now I'm hoping she picks me."

I pulled him up from the bench. "Now, change and get ready for practice. Jordan is throwing a little Halloween party in our tower and she would curse me if I was late. Keeping her happy is what we all should do, besides worrying about who she will pick."

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