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Pureblood Ball


I put the last of my things away in my trunk and brought it down to the common room for elves to take to the train. Belle and Lyra stayed silent as we walked to the Great Hall for breakfast. It felt weird to be in normal clothes this morning.

The boys talked about their plans for the holiday break, while we three girls stayed silent and listened. We were all purebloods, expect Severus, so the topic of the Pureblood Ball was spoken of a lot. If only they knew what the real plans for the ball were.

After Breakfast, we headed towards the train to take us back home. Evan and Regulus were attached to me at the hip as we loaded the train. Normally, I would be annoyed by this, but due to what could happen when we returned home, I was fine with being around them.

Evan sat on one side of me, while Regulus sat on the other side. Barty and the girls sat across from us. Evan rested his head on the table, "Sister, who is picking us up? Mum, never replied to my letter."

"Narcissa." I started to explain. "The Malfoy's are hosting the Pureblood Ball this year, so Narcissa thought it would be easier for her to care for us while we are on our break. Merlin knows that she's the best one to watch us anyway. Maybe we will leave the house without a bruise this time."

All eyes were now on me as I finished my statement. It wasn't hard to tell that something was bothering me during the train ride. I decided to excuse myself and go look for the trolly.

I fixed my hair as I was walking past the compartments, seeing the first year look at me with fear. I was in need of going home and not having all eyes on me all the time. It was hard to deal with the fame I never asked for.

A compartment door opened and I was pulled inside. I looked around quickly to see the Marauders looking at me with smiles all over their faces. This was not a good time to see them.

Sirius pulled me beside him and looked at me closely, "Something seems to be bothering you, Ella. Care to fill us in on why you seem annoyed with the world? Don't tell me Bellatrix is picking you up!"

I slapped Sirius on the back of the head, "No, it's Narcissa. She has offered for Evan, Regulus, and I to stay with her, since the Malfoy's are hosting the Pureblood Ball. She knows how much we all hate home anyway."

Remus raised his brow, "Pureblood Ball? What all goes on during those? Isn't it just filled with a bunch of wealthy purebloods, who think they are better than everyone, dancing all night long. Sometimes some cheating goes on."

"I wish it was that simple." I sighed. "For the younger ones, it's pretty simple, but as you get older, it gets harder. Once you reach sixteen, your family starts looking for you a spouse. At the ball most marriages are set up and the young purebloods meet their future husband or wife. As for me, I will be meeting Theodore and setting our agreement together."

James scoffed, "Agreement? Love isn't an agreement. It's a fiery passion and feeling. I could never see myself settling to marry someone just to keep a line pure. Love should come first. Not blood status."

All of us were a bit taken back by James outburst. It was known that the Potter family didn't agree with normal purebloods ways. They were seen as blood-traitors, but I had never seen James so worked up about something like this. He normal just let it slide with a snarky remark.

Remus and Sirius shared a look, as Peter was asleep, before they both turned to me. Remus smiled at me, "Well, good luck with the ball. I hope everything goes well and doesn't end in disaster."

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