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We both had our wands drawn when we reached the door. Evan pushed it open and the house looked the same as always. Barely any light with a dark feeling to it. Home Unsweet Home as I alway called it.

"They wouldn't leave the door cracked like that. Mother is so paranoid these days. Someone has been here, while they were away." Evan said. He paused as we reached the end of the foyer. "But Father said he would be home. He sent me a owl yesterday."

We searched every room for our parents. We called out their names, but there was never an answer. The only answer we got were our echos. This wasn't like them. If they wouldn't be home, they would have left a note.

The last place to check was the drawing room on the fourth floor. I pushed open the doors of the drawing room and quickly looked away. I tried to close the door, but Evan stopped me.

Evan pushed me aside and froze in his tracks as he walked in. I came up beside him and looked at the sight in font of us. Our mother on the couch, dead. Our father on the floor, dead. Both were dead right in front of us.

Cuts covered their body and my mother's blood stained the white couch. Father's blood stained his white shirt and the rug as well. The foul smell filled the room, but everything looked fresh. This had happened today.

Evan walked closer, while his hands trembled. I walked behind him as he checked our father first. His eyes showed no life. It would be a miracle if he was alive, but he wasn't. He was dead and so was our mother.

I walked over to our mother and looked at her. She, like our father, showed no signs of life, but by her nails, she fought to live. Her nails were chipped, which was rare for our mother. She tried to fight her attacker.

"I hated her." Evan weeped. "I hated what she did to you and me, but seeing her here I can't help, but see that I loved her. I hated her, because I thought I didn't love her. Now, I wish just to see her breathing once more."

Looking at our father as I cradled Evan, I began to weep as well. "He wasn't the best, but he tried. So hard." I looked Evan in the eyes. "This wasn't a muggle weapon. The cuts are too clean. It was magic. Someone came for them because they want us."

Evan shook his head. "Impossible. Mother wouldn't die for us. She would rat us out the moment they asked. There is no way our mother loved us at the last moment. It can't be true."

Pulling Evan closer to my chest he gripped my shirt. "Who would have done this? Who want us us badly, that they kill our parents? Jordan, what have we done?"

Seeing how upset my brother was changed my sadness and it transformed into anger. I felt the need to protect him at all cost. He was my whole being and soul. Someone had hurt him, which hurt me.

I stood up, pulling Evan with me. We left the drawing room and walked outside of the house. We were covered in our parents blood as we walked down to Black Manor. Druella almost screamed when she opened the door.

Narcissa took Evan into her arms. He was still in shock and seeing the blood all over himself didn't help him calm down either. Druella kept asking questions, but I looked around for Bellatrix. She was the only person who would have been behind this.

"Where is she, Cissy? I saw her here earlier. Where is Bella?" I seethed through my teeth. I could feel my hands start to heat up.

Druella looked me up and down. "What is Godric's name? Jordan, tell me what happened. Why are your brother and you covered in blood? Where are Drake and Eve?"

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