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Small talks


It had been two weeks since Evan broke up with Regulus. The break up resulted in Evan crashing in Sterling and Sevrus' room, while Barty and Regulus still shared. They wouldn't sit near each other during meals and when we would study, Evan always said he would rather study alone than with someone.

I tried multiple times to speak to Regulus on the matter, but everytime he walked away from me. It wasn't hard to see that he was angry with himself for his choices on how to handle the matter. I would be lying to say I wasn't angry with him.

Recently, I had more free time since James was strict about his quidditch schedule. They had the house tournament in two days and the winner would get the house cup. He wanted to win the house cup for Gryffindor since it was his last year.

Tonight was different though. James was practicing late, so I opted to spend time with Lyra and the others in the Slytheirn common room. Ever since Evan's party, I found it easier to be around Barty, Belle, and Sterling. Their marks were irritated, meaning they both were rejecting the mark. They still felt like it was their fault we had the marks.

It wasn't though. They thought we were just meeting him. Even Tom didn't have it in his plans to brand us.

What made tonight so different was the fact that Regulus and Evan were in the same room. Willingly in the same room. When the boys came back in from quidditch practice, Evan sat down and Regulus sat two seats away from him. Evan didn't even move when he noticed Regulus. It was weird.

"Reggie?" I asked. Everyone looked up from their work and looked at Regulus, then at me. "May I speak to you privately? It will only take a few seconds."

Regulus agreed and I led the way to the outside of the common room where the staircase stood. We sat on a bench near a window where the Black Lake was still in our sight. "Have the two of you spoken yet?" I asked.

"Not about us. We spoke today about quidditch, classes, homework, but never about us." Regulus looked down at his feet and ran his hand through his hair. "I know I fucked up. I can't tell you why I pretended to be drunk or why I didn't trust him. If anything I trust him more than anyone in this world. I trust him with my life. I don't know why when it came to a chance of losing him, I couldn't trust him." He confessed.

I let Regulus words sink in and replayed them in my head. "Maybe it had nothing to do with trust. Maybe you got being scared was confused with trust. Clearly, you trust him. It's obvious when we would train or go out on missions. You trust him. Maybe you were scared of losing him. Maybe it had nothing to do with it being Barty who fancied him. You didn't like the idea of losing him."

Regulus turned his head and I could see his eyes begin to water. "I was scared. I'm scared of losing him in any type of way. Even before we were together, Evan was my soul. He still is my soul. I lost my soul when I lost him. Now, I have no idea how I'm going to get him back. He will speak about everything, but us."

"Well," I began, shifting in my seat to wrap my arm around Regulus. "If anyone knows my brother, it's me. When Evan is hurt he shuts down. If he's willing to speak to you about quidditch, don't take it for granted. At least he's speaking to you. Just let him breathe. I know Evan can't last long without you there beside him. He'll come back."

Regulus nodded as he raised his hand to wipe the few tears that began to fall down his cheeks. I pulled him into an embrace and he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you for being my rock, Jordan. I don't want to live without Evan, but I know that between you and I, I hope I die first, so I don't have to live without you."

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